A question for you arrow gurus! (tech talk)


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2002
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I have tried several different kinds of arrows. Bottom line, I have found that a carbon arrow I bought from BPS weighing about 7.2 gpi (I think it was the maxima 250) had a tendency to break.

The best arrow I have used is my Cabonaeros Easton Excel (I believe) 340 at about 8.8 gpi. I have one arrow that went through 15 deer before breaking and I only re-fletched it once.

Problem is, I can't find any more of these arrows.

Does anyone know where I can get more or if there is a comparable arrow that I can replace these with?

ANd is there a durability difference between carbon arrows?

With the set-up I now shoot, I can get MULTIPLE kills off ONE arrow. I simply clean it up, and test it on my target, and it is ready again. With feathers, I have not been so lucky. It is more like shoot a pass through shot, RE-FLETCH, and shoot again.

Another problem I have is these Blazer vanes are GREAT with my Stingers, but I have to go through about a dozen arrows to get 8 good ones.

DOes anyone have experience with an arrow/vane combination that is VERY durable on deer pass throughs???


Good question. This last year I went to lighter arrows(easton flatline 8.2gn) and I have snapped 3 in two. I always used CE terminators which are like 9.8gn and never had one snap. They have cracked before but never snapped in two. Lighter means thinner in carbon arrows. I was thinking about going with the CE maximas but after reading some on them have found they snap too.
JMO... you can't beat a Goldtip 5575 with Blazer 2 in. vanes with 100gr. Muzzy Broadhead.

The reason I say that combo is the ticket is because I've tried a lot of different combo's and end up back to my old faithful. I have yet not pass thru a deer with this combo in 3 years. It also keeps my arrows with in a good price range. My wife and I go thru at least 100 arrows a year. Hunting , in door 3D and out door 3D, so we use a lot of arrows year round.
I really like the carbon express maxima (pricey) but if you don't pass thru it doesn't matter what arrow your shooting 99 out of 100 its going to end up in at least 2 pieces.
The carbon express maxima hunter 350's are the toughest arrows that I have used. I have found them to be more durable than the heavier eastons that I used to use that weighed over 10 gpi.
Thanks guys.

But I'd like to know if anyone has had actual experience killing SEVERAL deer with only ONE arrow.

Like I said, my Blazer fletched 8.8 gpi (400 gr overall) tipped with Stinger 4 blades have gone thru as many as 15 deer. ONE ARROW.

Is there a diference between weave carbon arrows etc... and what about 4 inch plastic vanes?


Absolutely killed 4 with 1 carbon express 400 a few years back. It was my lucky arrow. It got broke when I spine shot the 4th deer and it fell on it.
My dad bought a dozen of the Easton Excel arrows and really liked them. We can't find them now.

I've been shooting Easton Axis arrows since '05. They are very tough, tune well, and hit hard. I've killed three deer with one arrow and still have it in my quiver. I've been using Blazers, but intend to switch to a flex fletch vane this winter.
Thanks guys for the info.

The Excel arrows are what I have now. And I also can't find them. When I did switch to another lighter, weaved, arrow, they would break fairly easily.

Jaymc, why flex,fletch vanes? Are these durable?

I love my Blazer vanes for mechanicals. But for my fixed heads they are a tad touchy to tune. I am looking for SIMPLE. I believe I could find some 4 inch vanes (feathers just don't do well in rain or blood) that will be just as tough as Blazers, yet will not be as touchy for my fixed heads. THis is what I'm looking for in an arrow.

Flex Fletch 360s seem to be the best my most accounts. The FF vanes are better than any Bohning product I've tried.

I fletched a dozen arrows with 4" feathers yesterday :D
Simple: $ 57.00 a dozen 5575 GoldTip arrow w/ 2 inch Blazer vanes. Perfect hunting set up. Or you can get 5575 shafts you cut to size for $46.00 a dozen and I would put on 2 in quick fletch, blazer vane by nap for $14.00 a half dozen.(Wrap and Vanes) They are fast and quick to do, boil water and 10 seconds your done..Now that is simple.

PS: Tech Tip of the day: If you hunt out of state a lot pack a 6 pack of quick fletch, just as back up. Things happen....
I used to shoot those easton's you are refering to. They were very tough and rugged. I killed several deer with the same arrow when I shot them. I had issues with loose tolerances though and ended up switching to ACC's for a while until I got tired of bending them.

Now I'm shooting Gold Tip 7595 Pro Hunter's and love them.
They seem to be a little more fragile than the old Easton Excel's but when I buy a dozen I can count on all 12 of them being "quiver worthy."

It's actually been a nice tradeoff for me. I'd rather buy new arrows occaisonally than to tune on a dozen that only yields 8 shooters.
I have had good luck with these Easton Axis arrows as well. I've killed 6 with the same arrow but did have it refletched 3 times.
i have a couple of arrows that i have shot an entire 3D season with, killed 2 or 3 deer with then used them for another 3D season. i broke one of them when i spined a doe this year :(
Thanks fellas,
I priced some of these arrows and found the Gold Tipp 5575 very reasonable. At 8.2 gpi they are close to what I am looking for in an arrow.

I am having my 340's dipped and re-fletched for now but will file this stuff away for later. I am going with 4 inch vanes. We will see how they fly.
