A question for you arrow gurus! (tech talk)

username said:
I used to shoot those easton's you are refering to. They were very tough and rugged. I killed several deer with the same arrow when I shot them. I had issues with loose tolerances though and ended up switching to ACC's for a while until I got tired of bending them.

Now I'm shooting Gold Tip 7595 Pro Hunter's and love them.
They seem to be a little more fragile than the old Easton Excel's but when I buy a dozen I can count on all 12 of them being "quiver worthy."

It's actually been a nice tradeoff for me. I'd rather buy new arrows occaisonally than to tune on a dozen that only yields 8 shooters.

I agree and over the last few years have been stubborn and not wanting to switch back to Gold Tips. The best arrows I ever ahd flight/tuning wise ws GT's. Maybe this year I will make the switch back.