Iglow Well-Known Member TNDeer Supporter Joined Nov 6, 2021 Messages 3,792 Location Occupied Tennessee Today at 6:08 AM #1 Y'all gotta see this!
Chickenrig Well-Known Member Joined Jul 19, 2018 Messages 1,754 Location Barbour County ,Al Today at 6:31 AM #2 That was crazy close right there now !!! Great video and a great ending
D DC219 Well-Known Member Joined Dec 20, 2020 Messages 247 Location Signal Mountain, Tennessee Today at 6:39 AM #3 I've always wanted to hunt them like that. It gives you an idea of how many bucks sit tight while we pass right by.
I've always wanted to hunt them like that. It gives you an idea of how many bucks sit tight while we pass right by.
Gravey Well-Known Member TNDeer Supporter Joined Jul 20, 2005 Messages 41,612 Location Christiana (Rutherford County) Today at 8:54 AM #4 He worked for that one and to get him out. When he was dragging him out I never saw his gun so hopefully he had it hid somehow.
He worked for that one and to get him out. When he was dragging him out I never saw his gun so hopefully he had it hid somehow.