It doesn't pick up the arrow. It works off of sound. You enter in the distance you are going to be shooting. The you hit the button & it gives you a countdown & starts recording. After the shot it shows the sound like in music editing software or something. You can zoom in and slow it down ten times slower than real time. You mark when you shot and when the arrow hit & it gives you the average speed over the distance. I messed with it some yesterday. I had some crazy high & low number getting the hang of doing to. Mostly I wanted to shoot to quick. After I got the hang of it, I averaged 3 readings and it came out to 292 fps. Which I would think would be a little high. I was shooting a Mathews ZXT 28"@60 lbs. my arrow weighs roughly 375-380 grains I would say. I didn't figure it would be real accurate but for 99 cents I thought I would see what it would do.