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Adjusting camera angle

I like to use old (often non-working) cams as "dummy" cams.
These are positioned to be more visible to a trespasser, and within the field of view of a nearby more hidden cam (usually a cell cam).

Ha! I've got one such trap set and waiting for the bastards to come back, but so far they've not taken the bait.
I use the Master Python cable locks with no issue. On one property in particular I had about a dozen cameras stolen so I had to start locking them on and also started running some cell cams way up high watching the other cams. The Python locks worked great.
Python are what I use. I will have to make one of those and see how it works out with my cams and the cable locks.
Lol that's what the tiny cordless screwdriver with drill bit is for 😁 Makes all the difference. They screw into a pre-drilled hole really easy & smooth. Took me only a few times using those mounts before I was on Amazon shopping for a drill to keep in my pack.
I should have added, I'm not big on screwing anything into trees. It seems after several years, the trees show signs of stress. I used to only use screw in hangers while hunting (for pack, gun/bow, binoculars) in some particular trees with some dynamite cover. I can no longer hunt some of them because all those branches that had screw holes have died. I now used Tethrd's HYS strap with S hooks.
I should have added, I'm not big on screwing anything into trees. It seems after several years, the trees show signs of stress. I used to only use screw in hangers while hunting (for pack, gun/bow, binoculars) in some particular trees with some dynamite cover. I can no longer hunt some of them because all those branches that had screw holes have died. I now used Tethrd's HYS strap with S hooks.

Can't say I've ever experienced that. The only ones I go out of my way to avoid are timber trees because the metal causes black streaking/staining in the log around the area of the metal. Never seen a tree structurally or health damaged by it though.
I like to use old (often non-working) cams as "dummy" cams.
These are positioned to be more visible to a trespasser, and within the field of view of a nearby more hidden cam (usually a cell cam).
I did that on public access points on my place last year. Actually stopped an honest guy. Got him on the concealed video cam stopping and saying "Uh oh" when encountering the dummy cam.
I did that on public access points on my place last year. Actually stopped an honest guy. Got him on the concealed video cam stopping and saying "Uh oh" when encountering the dummy cam.
In the case of a dishonest person, another advantage of this tactic is that the more visible "dummy" cam is more likely to be investigated (or stolen, damaged) first. Then, if the person sees the 2nd cam, they may decide to cut their losses and just vacate the area, assuming they've already been photographed.

What trespassers & poachers most want to avoid is confrontation, especially with the law.
Seeing that a property is being monitored by live cell cams is probably a stronger deterrent than No Trespassing signs.
While sticks can work just fine,
something a little more durable & lasting for me has been little pieces (like 2" x 2") of neoprene. You can place these were needed to change cam angle, and they are less likely to move on you than sticks.
I've had sticks fall out multiple times, hence the "fancy" mounts. In addition, the fancy mounts can be mounted in all sorts of ways that a camera with a stick behind it can't.
Guys, I have a 3D printer and I bet a man could come up with something that could be printed easily, maybe a wedge or something. I would be glad to print something for you to try if you have any ideas.
I went and bought everything several years ago and made these. Quit using them just because of all the hassle getting them into the tree. After a couple installs, I was getting a workout 🤣, even when using a fairly long flathead for leverage
The threads on eye bolts are designed for holding in predrilled holes, not making a hole themselves. Of this, I am absolutely certain