Well, this one is taking a turn, but I guess I need to use that.
A few details about what it takes to get an article in NAW:
First, and foremost, the deer must have been taken legally and on free range.
The hunter cannot have a history of violations, and I must do everything I can to insure we have a clean story.
And, because of the tremendous overall increase in quality of deer killed across the country, it generally takes a Booner typical, or better, to make the cut. Non Typicals are generally well into the 230 inch range to be considered, because we only have so much room in an issue, and only 8 issues per year.
We also need a large selection of great pics, which sounds easy. But, you would be surprised at how many folks take terrible photos.
We are always looking for unique stories, women and children draw special attention, as do special weapons.
I write stories about southern deer most often, and we look for ones killed in states which are not considered the go to spots.
NAW is the premier trophy whitetail magazine, and I am proud to write for them. I just wish I could write one story about a giant that I killed!