Bsk, you use the neck all the time when aging deer. You say that when there is no distinction between the neck and chest it shows maturity. This deer doesn't have that huge neck flowing into the chest.
Body characteristics are body characteristics. If I can't use them, then you can't. You have to use them all. You preach on here all the time that deer are like human in their variations of body sizes. And you also use leg length appearance in conjunction with the body depth. Well, that my friend could simply be a short legged deer. I'm not buying it. You say one thing then say something that contradicts.
It's this simple, nobody really knows the age of a deer. Teeth are the closest thing to use when aging a deer. And just 2 weeks ago I mentioned of a deer that weighed 200+lbs field dressed, huge head, deep body, short leg appearance, long roman nose, all the "correct" body characteristics and the teeth aged 3.5.
"Maybe I don't know how to age teeth" I'm sure that is your thoughts exactly. Well, considering I age them standing by a wildlife biologist himself, and learned from him, and we've aged hundreds, I think I might have it. It's not rocket science. "Normal" people can do it, I promise! Oh, I did take genetics, zoology, and mammalogy in college. Learned tons, just didn't finish on that path.