Age please


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2007
Reaction score
West TN
Just curious what age y'all think this buck is. My camera sits a little crooked on my tree so it appears my stand is about to fall over. Lol Thanks.
Yes it's the same deer. The 2nd pic is the last one from the same time frame. I was thinking 3.5 until I seem this last pic.
first pic looks 5.5 and second pic looks 3.5. crazy how camera angles can change how we age a deer. Either way I would shoot him with out hesitation, no regrets. I love big 6 pts and that is no exception right there. Might not score much, but sometimes it's not about score, it's about how unique the buck is. Hope you get him.
He's at the top of my list right now. I can't hunt until muzzleloader season. Maybe he will still be around.
Guess I could post every pic I have from when he first walked in front of the camera to that last pic where it had gotten dark. But trust me its the same deer. I know it doesn't look like it to me either.
I honestly don't think it is the same buck. Prolly had 2 bucks come in together. Top buck is 3.5. bottom buck is 2.5. The second buck looks to be at least 40lbs lighter than the first.