long hunter
trying to post the pic
How old do you think/know he is? Reason I ask is 95% of deer hunters would say that deer is young (1.5 or 2.5) based on his body in this one picture alone, thus further proving anything but a guess in the summer is really just that, a guess.long hunter said:....been watching him for 3 years
jeff034fun said:dose any one knw why we cant talk a albino deer?
See this thread, particularly the post by scn (TWRA LEO). http://www.tndeer.com/tndeertalk/ubbthr ... ost2579822jeff034fun said:dose any one knw why we cant talk a albino deer?
jeff034fun said:dose any one knw why we cant talk a albino deer?
Rockhound said:jeff034fun said:dose any one knw why we cant talk a albino deer?
There was a TN senator or something luke that that had a couple albinos on his property and he got the bill passed so no ine could kill them. There was a thread in the twra section awhile ago