Alfalfa hay


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
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Humphrey county
Has anyone fed deer alfalfa hay (square bails) in the winter? Was wondering if they would eat it after it was bailed?? Thought it might be a good food source to help through winter
It's commonly fed to deer in Canada. Never seen it done here in the states but reckon it's worth a bale or two to find out if it'll work. Worst case scenario they don't touch it and you are out the cost of a bale.
I think the snow will determine whether they eat it or not. If we have snow on the ground for a few weeks like a couple times in the past 10 years I bet they would eat it. But as long as the ground isn't covered I think they can probably find enough browse to get by
Very difficult to find a perennial food plot plant that deer like more than alfalfa. However, I've never tried feeding dried, baled alfalfa hay.
I have fed deer many many bales of alfalfa and I have had numerous pictures of alfalfa hanging out of their mouth. If it gets real wet they dont eat it much and if its real stemmy they dont eat it.