Thanks everybody.
Yesterday started out with me over sleeping and getting in the woods late. Once I got out there, the 2 birds I was on Saturday didn't make a peep. I heard a bird gobble one time in the direction this bird was in. So I headed that way. Once I got in there, I could hear 6 other birds. I wasn't sure where this bird was so I found a good spot and sat down and gave out a couple soft yelps. BAM! He gobbled about a 100-125 yards away and thought he was in front of me, so I went silent. He gobbled again but was behind me. So I eased around the tree and sat up facing where I thought he would come through. I could see him and another bird. I sat there for another 15 mins and could see them to the far right of me now. Being a right handed shooter, I wasn't in the best position for where they were so I switched to the left hand. Both birds stopped and were looking hard, this bird stood in a strut at the edge of the field while his partner stood there searching. They started moving away like they didn't like something so I gave out a couple more soft yelps which made them turn and head my way. This guy strutted in on a string to 40 yards when I laid him down.
When I picked him up I knew he was a decent bird but when I seen those 4 good beards unfold, I about fell out. I knew then, I'd sat a personal record that would be hard to beat on down the road.