Great morning at the new property I have permission to hunt. . Dang decent buck either caught or got a wiff of me but he bounced across the fence before I could line up on him . Stopped and looked back once he got across the fence . Couldn't see his rack good @ about 125 yds but could have sent a round his way its just I don't have permission there . No one would have known it but I would have . Seen a slew of does coming down same trail he was on and they smelled me as well . Finally figuring the direction in that place its so thick . Seen four does on the way out and could have shot the lead one but not in my cards . May go back tomorrow just have to see . Thank you Lord for a good day ! Oh I also seen two huge coyotes . They were after something in that clearing either a rat or rabbit . Thought once about shooting one but I didn't want to mess up my area . Here is some pics of the area kinda thick . Picture #3&4 was where the buck ran just in that clearing. There is a fence right where the woods end but its down in most places. The clearing is choked full of cudzu . #5 is where I seen the coyotes and I even saw two cows definitely out of their pasture because that area has no reliable fence .
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