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Another great trip to the White River


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Well woodyard took his life and sanity and risk both and carried me fishing.
As always it was an absolute blast!
Great guy, great times, and some fair to middling food.
The catching part can vary there just like anywhere but 9 times out of 10 it is phenomenal.
This trip was an exception due to very high water, 3-4 feet fluctuations daily and in my opinion mainly due to MOSS EVERYWHERE!!!
The first two days were the slowest I have experienced there but yesterday woodyard was able to find some cleaner water and we had a much better day.
Rem270 has planned to fish with us Saturday but we kinda held him off due to the conditions and it turned out to be our best day number wise lol
It still wasn't the "best" way to introduce someone to trout fishing because the only thing they would touch was powerbait.
Anyway it was a great time as always.
Thanks again to woodyard for putting up with me!
The first fish of the trip, one of FOUR I caught all day lol

Then a nice one that woodyard caught, the biggest of the trip, but he caught several fish about this size.

We called quitting time about right this day.

And finally the part rem missed out on that I really wish he could have had lol
Pork loin, baked tater, garlic bread and FREEZER SLAW omg that stuff is amazing!!!

Ribeye steak woo wee!!!

I didn't get a picture of the pork steak night lol

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Re: Another great trip to the White River

Don't worry about the fishing, just think bout what ruger is gonna cook. I believe he has this grilling steak thing down.

Best ribeye steak I ever had and I have eaten at some pretty pricey joints in the past.
The pork steak and loin were great also.

Great trip considering the water and it is going to get a lot worse shortly.

Got the boat washed good and clean now. Ready to go again.
Re: Another great trip to the White River

Looks like a blast to me! If y'all never hung out with Ruger and had him cook for you then your just missing out!!

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