good buck, good luck with him!
Football Hunter said:Is that a sticker on the g2,or something behind him?
JJS said:BSK a little off topic but do you think the bucks that rut more or expand range during rut more have higher testerone levels than bucks that seem to be unshootable have? I have a buck on my farm that does not seem to show much rutting activity based on camera and hunter siteings (7yr old). I hope this makes sense but I think I read an article talking about hormone levels and rutting activity. Makes sense to me but I maybe missing something.
BSK said:This buck is a trend-setter so far. Normally, I NEVER get pics of 5 1/2+ year-old bucks in daylight, even in summer. Yet so far, every picture I have of this buck this year is during daylight.
MUP said:BSK said:This buck is a trend-setter so far. Normally, I NEVER get pics of 5 1/2+ year-old bucks in daylight, even in summer. Yet so far, every picture I have of this buck this year is during daylight.
Might need to take up bowhunting again....just for his sake! :grin:
BSK said:Deck78 said:And now with all the hype, he'll probably disappear into thin air!
Knowing my luck, that will be the case.
But I do find it interesting that for the last two years, this buck has been a rut range-expander, only showing up on my property for the month of peak breeding, disappearing post-rut. However, this year he has become a summer resident.
8 POINTS OR BETTER said:He may have took up permanent residents on your place. The last to mature bucks I have killed took up permanent residents on my place and they had a very small core areas.
BSK said:This buck is a trend-setter so far. Normally, I NEVER get pics of 5 1/2+ year-old bucks in daylight, even in summer. Yet so far, every picture I have of this buck this year is during daylight.