another question for saddle users - comfort?

More comfortable than a lock on but not as comfortable as my summit climber. Closer to the comfort of the climber than a lock on though for me.
I just made the plunge into saddle hunting went to cookville the other day and bought the cruzr 2 panel archon, with the upgraded Kong caribiner's and platform. We shall see lol I swore I never would spend the money on a big diaper but here we go! Main reason I got it was I bounce around so much from property to property and a climber is comfy but just can't get exactly were I want to be all the time and my lone wolf just ain't comfortable
I stopped by Cruzr last week and unfortunately missed the guys. However, one of the ladies in the office let me try both the XC and the Archon. She was very helpful and we tried several different things, but she readily admitted she wasn't an expert like the guys are.

I think the XC would be the right choice for me, but it really wasn't comfortable to me. It felt like the saddle was squeezing me. I wonder if that's the "pinch" I hear people describe, but I really thought a pinch would be different. It also felt like I was being pulled into the post/tree and was having to work with my legs to stay away from it.

I think I just need to go back when I know Chad will be there and give it another try.

My XC was comfortable from the second I tried it on at Chad's shop. The next day my buddy came over to try it and said it was horribly uncomfortable for him. I adjusted the bridge and it made all the difference in the world. He loved it then. After having a saddle with an adjustable bridge I'll never have one without.

Do you think adjusting the bridge as you described would help with either or both the issues I experienced?
I just made the plunge into saddle hunting went to cookville the other day and bought the cruzr 2 panel archon, with the upgraded Kong caribiner's and platform. We shall see lol I swore I never would spend the money on a big diaper but here we go! Main reason I got it was I bounce around so much from property to property and a climber is comfy but just can't get exactly were I want to be all the time and my lone wolf just ain't comfortable

If you don't mind me asking, what made you pick the Archon over the XC?

Good question sir. I really don't know all those guys where at a hunting convention show and those two chicks where in there and I thought we'll shoot this was a wasted trip but as you said they where very helpful and she said I was the very first sell that they had ever made so that was cool she couldn't wait to call her boss and tell him. As far as picking the archon I feel like with time and experience I will just have more options to dilly dally with comfort more lower back support and I can let the gussets all the way out and make a chair out of the thing nearly
I stopped by Cruzr last week and unfortunately missed the guys. However, one of the ladies in the office let me try both the XC and the Archon. She was very helpful and we tried several different things, but she readily admitted she wasn't an expert like the guys are.

I think the XC would be the right choice for me, but it really wasn't comfortable to me. It felt like the saddle was squeezing me. I wonder if that's the "pinch" I hear people describe, but I really thought a pinch would be different. It also felt like I was being pulled into the post/tree and was having to work with my legs to stay away from it.

I think I just need to go back when I know Chad will be there and give it another try.

Do you think adjusting the bridge as you described would help with either or both the issues I experienced?
Yep. That is hip pinch. Adjusting the bridge helps with that. Go back when Chad is there. He will show you. As for feeling like you were being pulled into the tree, change the height of your tether. I usually go with about my forehead but it's different for everyone. Those are the things a few days on a tree in the backyard will teach you. The main thing with a saddle is practice. Do it a lot at a low height in the backyard before you get in the woods. The first few times, you're going to be loud and move A LOT so get that out of the way at home. Also, doing all this at 2ft off the ground will help you to learn to trust your gear before you're at 20-30 ft.
They are supposed to be extremely comfortable, that's my hang-up with it, I would do more sleeping than hunting. 😆 I think they would be the ticket in gun season though. Hopefully someone on here that is familiar with them will chime in.
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They are supposed to be extremely comfortable, that's my hang-up with it, I would do more sleeping than hunting. 😆 I think they would be the ticket in gun season though. Hopefully someone on here that is familiar with them will chime in.
like a camo version of a naughty bedroom tool