anti jake folks

Mississippi does have a no jake law. I for one am all about it. I can see having a jake law for kids under 16 though.

i know Captain hook is looked on as a villain for not wanting jakes shot and not wanting to shoot 3 pudwacker bucks but i am of the same mindset. I am not looking down on those who do its just a different philosophy.

Different strokes for different folks. its a timeless argument and if you go to the serious deer talk you can read until your eyes bleed. some folks enjoy shooting spikes and basket racks. some enjoy the challenge of hunting mature deer and seeing what their herd will produce. Whats crazy to me is how different the mentality is in different parts of the country and how heated the arguments get. i for one dont worry about it and choose to hunt in states that manage for mature bucks.

Same thing goes for turkeys. i for one dont shoot jakes namely because they are next years stock imo. They are by no means as challenging as a 2 yo and yes i have been fooled and had my heart pumping by superjakes several times (never more than this year) That being said if they make it through the year i know that i will have about 10 two year olds at least to chase next year and nothing beats a loud mouth 2 year old. its amazing how people blame bad hatches, pressure etc. for declining populations when they are wacking the jakes. doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
In Mississippi you cannot shoot a turkey if the beard is under 6 inches in length. I for one think that it is a great idea because if it is borderline and you think it is less than 6 inches in length you let it walk. I know there are some mature birds that get beard rot but that is not a common occurance where I hunt but it does happen in other places. Tennessee needs to reword the phrase "bearded turkey" to "bearded male." That would eliminate bearded hens getting mowed down.
Shooting a bearded hen in this day and time here in TN would not harm the flock at all. We have a great population of Turkeys and its still growing, hence the hen seasons in the Fall, shooting one definitely wont make the sky fall, especially being its fairly rare anyway, and their a unique find as well!
mmcfarland said:
Mississippi does have a no jake law. I for one am all about it. I can see having a jake law for kids under 16 though.

i know Captain hook is looked on as a villain for not wanting jakes shot and not wanting to shoot 3 pudwacker bucks but i am of the same mindset. I am not looking down on those who do its just a different philosophy.

Different strokes for different folks. its a timeless argument and if you go to the serious deer talk you can read until your eyes bleed. some folks enjoy shooting spikes and basket racks. some enjoy the challenge of hunting mature deer and seeing what their herd will produce. Whats crazy to me is how different the mentality is in different parts of the country and how heated the arguments get. i for one dont worry about it and choose to hunt in states that manage for mature bucks.

Same thing goes for turkeys. i for one dont shoot jakes namely because they are next years stock imo. They are by no means as challenging as a 2 yo and yes i have been fooled and had my heart pumping by superjakes several times (never more than this year) That being said if they make it through the year i know that i will have about 10 two year olds at least to chase next year and nothing beats a loud mouth 2 year old. its amazing how people blame bad hatches, pressure etc. for declining populations when they are wacking the jakes. doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.
Mc, as you said the beat goes on and everyone has a different philosophy, and I'll never have your's, or the captain's nor you guys mine. I certainly don't have a problem with your not shooting jakes. Your choice. And those two words are really the crux of the matter IMO. Many of the people who are for rescricting the harvest of jakes, in effect, want to take that choice away from those of us who do consider them to be a worthy target. That's my biggest objection with you "don't shoot the jakes" advocates. It's not "I don't shoot jakes", its "I think that it would be a good idea if you don't also". I may not be an authority on a lot of things in this world, and probably not turkey management either. But, I am probably the foremost authority around on how many turkeys that I have in my immediate area, certainly more than you and hook and for that matter anyone on the TWRA payroll. This year we had a very adequate population of male birds, last year maybe not so many. So if you guys think that killing jakes has an adverse effect on the age class that you think is optimum where YOU hunt, then you are doing what you personally can to improve that. All I would like is to let ME on my place do the same. I personally think that your efforts in increasing populations would be better spent by lobbying against hen harvest during any season by any method. Killing a hen kills generations of turkeys. Killing a jake kills one turkey that you want to kill next year anyway.
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
deerlawyer said:
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
Another absurd, aggorant statement, probably by someone who has never killed a turkey, or ever been turkey hunting.
jakes imo are for young sportsmen or first time turkey hunters. I do not shoot jakes nor does anyone I hunt with shoot jakes. They are very easy to kill(most of the time) and there not much to them once you have shot them(spurs&beard). Thats the whole reason I hold out for a longbeard or I dont fill my tags.
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
deerlawyer said:
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
Another absurd, aggorant statement, probably by someone who has never killed a turkey, or ever been turkey hunting.

That is a heck of post, I have to say. Even though I have thoughts not far from that, I would never dare put them on a public forum. Something are just better kept to oneself. :D

capt, i have the benefit of anonimity and you do not. sometimes its nice to be able to say how you really feel! i would love to pic your brain about those mountain birds sometime. those missouri birds give me fits!!
captain hook said:
deerlawyer said:
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
deerlawyer said:
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
Another absurd, aggorant statement, probably by someone who has never killed a turkey, or ever been turkey hunting.

That is a heck of post, I have to say. Even though I have thoughts not far from that, I would never dare put them on a public forum. Something are just better kept to oneself. :D

capt, i have the benefit of anonimity and you do not. sometimes its nice to be able to say how you really feel! i would love to pic your brain about those mountain birds sometime. those missouri birds give me fits!!

I have the benefit of anonymity, however there are a few who know me, and even if, there are just somethings which I would not say on a public forum. Not that I don't think that way or have those thoughts, but I just keep some cards in my pocket.

Anytime you want to talk turkey let me know, I am always game.

Cyberspace cowboys. Can talk all kinds of s..t behind the computer. Way to go fellas you are the best hunters in the state, hell probably in the country. While you two are picking eachothers "brains" (haha) about turkey hunting and how the number or turkeys in your area are so low. We will be here in Marshall County wacking the crap out of jakes and longbeards with decoys and taking pictures in front of our woodpile. Since the numbers are so low in your area why fill your tags every year? you should save some for the next year. I know the law says you can kill 4 but the numbers are low so just kill 2 or even 1. Save the rest for the next year. If you keep that up for a few years maybe your turkey numbers will pick up. just a thought,
captain hook said:
WingNut said:
captain hook said:
deerlawyer said:
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
deerlawyer said:
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
Another absurd, aggorant statement, probably by someone who has never killed a turkey, or ever been turkey hunting.

That is a heck of post, I have to say. Even though I have thoughts not far from that, I would never dare put them on a public forum. Something are just better kept to oneself. :D

capt, i have the benefit of anonimity and you do not. sometimes its nice to be able to say how you really feel! i would love to pic your brain about those mountain birds sometime. those missouri birds give me fits!!

I have the benefit of anonymity, however there are a few who know me, and even if, there are just somethings which I would not say on a public forum. Not that I don't think that way or have those thoughts, but I just keep some cards in my pocket.

Anytime you want to talk turkey let me know, I am always game.

Cyberspace cowboys. Can talk all kinds of s..t behind the computer. Way to go fellas you are the best hunters in the state, hell probably in the country. While you two are picking eachothers "brains" (haha) about turkey hunting and how the number or turkeys in your area are so low. We will be here in Marshall County wacking the crap out of jakes and longbeards with decoys and taking pictures in front of our woodpile. Since the numbers are so low in your area why fill your tags every year? you should save some for the next year. I know the law says you can kill 4 but the numbers are low so just kill 2 or even 1. Save the rest for the next year. If you keep that up for a few years maybe your turkey numbers will pick up. just a thought,

Don't lash out at me, I was simply saying that there are things which just don't need to be said in the public's eye. Some thoughts are better left in ones head.

My turkey numbers are fine, however the rest of the state seems to have some issue going on.

Of course marshall county is fine, it is one of the best in the state. Heck if you can't kill 4 longbeards there, then you dang ure can't kill one at the butterball factory :D
Who said what?? This is so involved that I'm confused. Of course, I confuse easily. LOL
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
captain hook said:
WingNut said:
captain hook said:
deerlawyer said:
captain hook said:
4onaside said:
deerlawyer said:
WingNut said:
it doesn't make you any less of a hunter then the guy who killed four toms.

great post up to this point. completely disagree with this statement. jakes are for kids and girls. save em for them.
Another absurd, aggorant statement, probably by someone who has never killed a turkey, or ever been turkey hunting.

That is a heck of post, I have to say. Even though I have thoughts not far from that, I would never dare put them on a public forum. Something are just better kept to oneself. :D

capt, i have the benefit of anonimity and you do not. sometimes its nice to be able to say how you really feel! i would love to pic your brain about those mountain birds sometime. those missouri birds give me fits!!

I have the benefit of anonymity, however there are a few who know me, and even if, there are just somethings which I would not say on a public forum. Not that I don't think that way or have those thoughts, but I just keep some cards in my pocket.

Anytime you want to talk turkey let me know, I am always game.

Cyberspace cowboys. Can talk all kinds of s..t behind the computer. Way to go fellas you are the best hunters in the state, hell probably in the country. While you two are picking eachothers "brains" (haha) about turkey hunting and how the number or turkeys in your area are so low. We will be here in Marshall County wacking the crap out of jakes and longbeards with decoys and taking pictures in front of our woodpile. Since the numbers are so low in your area why fill your tags every year? you should save some for the next year. I know the law says you can kill 4 but the numbers are low so just kill 2 or even 1. Save the rest for the next year. If you keep that up for a few years maybe your turkey numbers will pick up. just a thought,

Don't lash out at me, I was simply saying that there are things which just don't need to be said in the public's eye. Some thoughts are better left in ones head.

My turkey numbers are fine, however the rest of the state seems to have some issue going on.

Of course marshall county is fine, it is one of the best in the state. Heck if you can't kill 4 longbeards there, then you dang ure can't kill one at the butterball factory :D
Who said what?? This is so involved that I'm confused. Of course, I confuse easily. LOL
Wingnut, throwing out insults by quoting me, and pointing fingers like I have been acting like deerlawyer and bashing jake killers. Guess he feels big and bad killing a couple of birds in Marshall County, where even the blind limit out each spring :D :D

No one flip out, that was a joke.
And a good one, I might add.
May everyone hunt and shoot what they want and and don't attack anyone else because they do the same. Peace.
captain hook said:
bsl said:
That is funny that you say some things are better left unsaid captain.I would hate to see what you said if you weren't holding

You don't want to know what crosses my mind daily as I go through pages of this and other forums. :D

Hey Hook I must say your new attitude is refreshing to say the least! :) As a matter of fact you have held back better than I would have on a couple post. Even though some have tried to trash it this is a pretty informative thread IMO.

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