Any Affordable Tree Stand / Saddle Recommendations?

PSU Cosmic

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2024
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN
I'm a new hunter who is in the process of gathering gear. I'll start hunting whitetails next season. I believe that tree stands or saddles are pretty much the norm for hunters, so I'm looking to get some recommendations. Affordable to me likely means around $500 max for the whole setup. I can't buy anything right now, given Christmas and all, I'm just interested in gathering information while I save up. I'll be hunting public land, and I don't know what the deal is with tree stands (such as if you're allowed to leave them out for modern rifle season, if they're frequently stolen, etc.), but I've heard a lot of good things about saddle hunting (although most of what I've read involves bow hunting, and I'll be using a rifle). I'm open to either option and just looking to get whatever info I can from you experienced hunters. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've got this complete saddle setup in the classifieds. The two times I used it were with a muzzleloader.

great deal right here!
i have all of this same gear except i have the onyx platform. been using it for two years now and its been great. saddles aren't cheap but, it'll likely be one of the only ways you'll want to hunt when elevated. i grew up climbing a ton along with having a dozen or so lock-ons. initial investment is higher with a saddle but you can hunt anywhere with it, truthfully.
Thank you all, gentlemen. As I said, I'm not in a financial position to pick anything up quite yet, but at least I got some good recommendations from this thread. Looks like a quality saddle setup will likely be a bit more than I had originally anticipated. Bummer. Preparing to hunt sure has eaten through my wallet! Thankfully, these initial investments should serve me well in the future. Apparently I was a fool to think that I'd be able to just buy a couple licenses, a .308, and some blaze orange, haha! On the bright side, I still have a year to finish gathering my gear before my first season! If you fellas still have anything up for sale in a couple of months I'll check back in with you before I place an order!
There are a lot of deer killed from the ground, especially with a rifle. The woods should open up by that point in the season. I wouldn't let not having a climber or saddle keep you out of the woods!
That's great news, @krazykarl_13! I've been watching some still hunting videos, but from what I can tell it is not as popular as elevated hunting techniques. I kind of assumed that for that reason I should get off the ground. In any case, by the time next season rolls around I'll probably be able to try a bit of both! The versatility of a portable system is what makes them so interesting to me.
with a .308 you can definitely hunt from the ground. lots of big deer have been shot from the ground, not a thing wrong with it. and like urban_hunter said, summit climbers have been involved with a ton of big deer too. i'm not parting ways with my the summit in my shed. only problem i have with the summit is that you stand a good chance of falling asleep ha!
Go hiking your public lands after the season ends. You will find a variety of stands left behind. I know of a couple in Natchez Trace that seem to stay there year round.
I'm a new hunter who is in the process of gathering gear. I'll start hunting whitetails next season. I believe that tree stands or saddles are pretty much the norm for hunters, so I'm looking to get some recommendations. Affordable to me likely means around $500 max for the whole setup. I can't buy anything right now, given Christmas and all, I'm just interested in gathering information while I save up. I'll be hunting public land, and I don't know what the deal is with tree stands (such as if you're allowed to leave them out for modern rifle season, if they're frequently stolen, etc.), but I've heard a lot of good things about saddle hunting (although most of what I've read involves bow hunting, and I'll be using a rifle). I'm open to either option and just looking to get whatever info I can from you experienced hunters. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Have a summit open shot 931-239-3108
Go hiking your public lands after the season ends. You will find a variety of stands left behind. I know of a couple in Natchez Trace that seem to stay there year round.
I can't tell if you're implying that I should take a stand that was left behind or just know where they may be so that I can use them. In the former case, I'm pretty sure that is illegal, and in the latter case, I know for a fact that you can use someone's stand on public land, but I've also read that you generally shouldn't trust one that's been left out for years due to safety concerns. Your post may have also been a joke that went over my head, again, I'm not sure, haha. I'm a newbie, so any clarification here would be much appreciated!
I can't tell if you're implying that I should take a stand that was left behind or just know where they may be so that I can use them. In the former case, I'm pretty sure that is illegal, and in the latter case, I know for a fact that you can use someone's stand on public land, but I've also read that you generally shouldn't trust one that's been left out for years due to safety concerns. Your post may have also been a joke that went over my head, again, I'm not sure, haha. I'm a newbie, so any clarification here would be much appreciated!
you'll be able to find deals on folks getting rid of climbers and saddles. again, check out the stuff that gravey posted. you can always begin piecing together equipment over the next 8-10 months
you'll be able to find deals on folks getting rid of climbers and saddles. again, check out the stuff that gravey posted. you can always begin piecing together equipment over the next 8-10 months
Yeah, so far everyone here has been very helpful! I just got done speaking with Veracity35 about a very reasonable deal on a Summit Goliath that he's got. Hoping to pick that sucker up in a few months once I've got some more spending money. I figure a good quality climber is the way to go for now, since a saddle setup is a lot more than I anticipated. Then I can get some first hand experience and from there decide if I want to upgrade into a saddle.

Thank you all for your input and available options! This community rocks!
Yeah, so far everyone here has been very helpful! I just got done speaking with Veracity35 about a very reasonable deal on a Summit Goliath that he's got. Hoping to pick that sucker up in a few months once I've got some more spending money. I figure a good quality climber is the way to go for now, since a saddle setup is a lot more than I anticipated. Then I can get some first hand experience and from there decide if I want to upgrade into a saddle.

Thank you all for your input and available options! This community rocks!
you'll really like the summit, it's the best climber out there imo
Yeah, so far everyone here has been very helpful! I just got done speaking with Veracity35 about a very reasonable deal on a Summit Goliath that he's got. Hoping to pick that sucker up in a few months once I've got some more spending money. I figure a good quality climber is the way to go for now, since a saddle setup is a lot more than I anticipated. Then I can get some first hand experience and from there decide if I want to upgrade into a saddle.

Thank you all for your input and available options! This community rocks!
After you get your stand I recommend practice practice practice.
Will do! Don't have any trees in my yard, but I'll definitely take it out somewhere and get nice and comfortable in the stand. No better way than to get a few reps in!
Will do! Don't have any trees in my yard, but I'll definitely take it out somewhere and get nice and comfortable in the stand. No better way than to get a few reps in!
When I first started using a climber (homemade and still have it) I practiced on a telephone pole by my house - lol.