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Food Plots Any harm in planting this weekend?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2024
Monroe County
Looking at the weather, they're calling for rain next week and I'm wondering if it might be worth taking advantage. I'm planting up on the mountain about 1600-1700 ft so there's a chance we get an earlier freeze than the valley. Really don't want to gamble on rain when there's some on the way but also don't want to shoot myself in the foot planting early.
If your plot(s) are small just go for it. If you get burned with no rain you can try again in a couple weeks for minimal dollars and effort. If you can't afford it because money is tight, or your plot(s) are large... It's always a bit of a gamble trying to pick the perfect time that may never come. At some point you've just got to get out there in front of a rain and hope for the best. You can always come back and layer rye to salvage a plot later.

That's at least the way I'm approaching it. It's not a super great answer to your question though.
If your plot(s) are small just go for it. If you get burned with no rain you can try again in a couple weeks for minimal dollars and effort. If you can't afford it because money is tight, or your plot(s) are large... It's always a bit of a gamble trying to pick the perfect time that may never come. At some point you've just got to get out there in front of a rain and hope for the best. You can always come back and layer rye to salvage a plot later.

That's at least the way I'm approaching it. It's not a super great answer to your question though.
It's all a gamble. I just wonder realistically if I plant this weekend, and it takes off, will it still be palatable after the first feeeze hits.
Tough year....

I'm sitting on $1300 in seed. If not planted, money down the toilet. If planted and no rain, money down the toilet.

Personally, I planted 6ac today in anticipation for rain this weekend. Will plant another 6ac next Fri if rain continues to be expected Sept 8. The last 8ac in 2 weeks.

I fully expect to topdress with cereal rye on my smaller plots end of Sept.

And if all that fails because of no rain, I'm putting stock tanks out and filling them with water late October.
I started planting some strips two weeks ago, I have wheat and buckwheat up in those areas as it poured the night after I planted. I am finishing the rest tomorrow and will not think another thing about it.
Wait imo. This is the type of year that drive us to plant late and go only to cereal grains several years ago. Lot of time and money lost on a year like this, part of it but very frustrating. Feel for yal.
Older gentleman told me years ago that more seed, fertilizer & money was wasted on "green patches" over Labor Day Weekend than any other time of year. Believe he was correct.
It is the number one weekend for planting plots. Now it's best to wait for the right weather conditions before planting, but people have busy schedules and I understand why they plant on that 3-day holiday weekend, good weather or bad.