any of you carry bear spray?

I've been turkey hunting in Tn. since 1979, that was before most people new that there were any birds in Tennessee. During all those season's I've had numberous bear encounters and lots with sow's with cubs. Only one time did I think I was going to have to fire my shotgun for protection. I was hunting in the Paint Creek area in Greene Co. I think it was back about 1989. Anyway I was walking a logging road to get to a field back on the mountain where I had heard two or three gobbler's earlier that morning. I came around a switchback and saw some thing black go up a tree, It was a cub and then another went up the tree, and I thought where is momma, she was right behind me coming up the bank popping her jaws. It happend so quick, I was lucky to get out of her way and when she saw that I wasn't a threat she broke off her charge. Man, it was close, and I've never forgot it.
I've had plenty of coyote and bobcat encounters but never had a bear encounter. I would s#%# my pants!!!
See them regularly but never had a need for spray. I like to watch them. I fear them bulls I have to deal with much more than a bear.