Anybody gone away from heavy insulated boots for lighter shoes with layered socks?

I wear my Lacrosse alpha burly water boots, wear merino wool socks. When I get to the stand on cold mornings I'll take a cheap pair of thicker socks from Walmart, cover the tips or as far as I can go over the my boots, stick a hand warmer inside that sock over my toes. My son and I have been doing the last two years. Best way I've found to keep feet warm while hunting.
I have Irish setters in multiple weights that I have bought on sale over the years, lighter socks and looser fitting boots. My experience is that tight boots or socks make me colder, also depends on hunting style. I walk a lot in the mountains so not sweating is very important, LOL i just read the above post. ?(2x). Wool socks are the way to go, even the thin ones help alot.
Who's got a good brand/model recommendation?
I hunt the mountains so don't need 1970's moon boots☹️
In the early 1990's, I had a pair of American made Danners. Lasted 3 years walking all over Japan on liberty.
They still good boots?
I had a pair of uninsulated Danner Pronghorns for several years that I turkey hunted in and loved them. Wore them this year and they leaked like crazy so I got rid of them. Guessing 5 years or so old.
I always wear uninsulated lacrosse rubber boots and under armour socks . Take a change of socks with me . When I get to where I'm going change socks and install one of the hothands stick on foot warmer. If it's seriously cold the arctic shield boot blanket goes over the top.
Side note , thi k auto correct ever makes anything better ?
I've wearing uninsulated boots and thinish wool hiking socks hunting for over a decade now. Much better than insulated boots. They're good down to low 30s then once it is there I use arctic shield boot blankets.
Get socks with as much wool as possible. Most if you look at the label have 20% or less. Pay the extra$. Insulated boot covers work great too.

Years ago in Michigan on a cold all day hunt, I took my boots off and put my lower half of my body in my sleeping bag. Worked like a charm. I always take a sleeping bag now when it's cold out.
light merino socks. 200g boots and an old pair of thick socks cut off at the foot OVER the boot. Don't laugh till you try it.
I got neuropathy in my feet from being diabetic and not knowing it, works really well for cold weather, frostbit feet no problem you won't never feel it, I use 400g insulation and add xtra socks but in really cold weather all day sets my feet keep moving constantly to keep circulation going. Has been working well so see no need to change up, current pair of boots are a little small so 1 thick pair or 2 pair of thin socks, staying dry helps a lot, had red sorrel pack boots 1200g, feet would sweat no matter what, had them for 40 years before they fell apart, bought during a bad winter in the 70's. didn't wear them a lot as side hilling you would bust your ass, lite tread ran side to side, up hill down hill no problems, side hill better hang on lol