Anybody Got Ways to Enhance Practice?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
Anybody got ways to enhance their practice. I like to stick a white golf tee in a broadhead target. Trying to hit a golf tee at 20 yards is fun and increases my accuracy. Any other tricks people want to share?
Stick a dollar on the target and the first one to split the dollar in half gets 5 bucks.

I have even tried playing it like a game of horse in basketball where you have to match the first persons shot only if they make the shot they called out.
- Get a handfull of judo points and throw a tennis ball around the yard shooting it a unknown distances.

- Go stumpin'. Using the same judo point tipped arrows, walk around the woods shooting clumps of grass, leaves, dirt clods, rotten stumps, etc. Make sure the stumps are rotten.
I have a thing I do when friends come over to shoot, or sometimes by myself,I call Bow-Golf. Take a pitching wedge and a golf ball and stand beside the target and take a small swing or a good chip and where the ball lands is where you shoot from, without the aid of a rangefinder. The closest one to the bullseye wins one point and the right to have the next chip�first one to 10 wins. If you don't golf, just close your eyes and throw the ball. The person who's property you are in will have an advantage, so to offset that advantage you will need to move the target away from it's normal location/position.

Another thing I do is to regularly practice from extreme distances�70 to 100 yards. It really improves confidence, exposes form issues and it makes those 30-40 yard shots alot easier.
Here is a practice routine I used for many years and did an advanced article on it for Archer's Bible.
(I had seven 3-D targets but it can be done with less.)

Each target is a different randoom distance and angle. To begin, jog at a fast clip around the entire range. Stop when a helper yells "Stop". Shoot one time at whatever target number the helper calls out. Continue jogging, repeat process.

With one target, jog in random circles. One of your kids or any person calls out a number. Stop and shoot then continue jogging.

Most Effective Practice for Hunting.
Place one arrow at back door or whatever door you exit to shoot. Walk to a random distance and shoot that one arrow. You are done for the day. Rather than walk to a random distance, I had the kids move my targets every night and not tell me what distance. You may also do this once each morning and evening.
I often shot out the back door while still in my underwear. Obviously, I pulled the arrow later. You must resist the temptation to shoot more than once. Live game does not give you that option. This above all else is the best practice for hunting I have ever come across. Also, since I shot from a seated position most of the time, I usually shot from a chair in the doorway.

Through all my years of shooting a bow, I found no advantage from shooting from an elevated platform during practice. If you do, then I suggest you do so.

However, by far, the single best way to relieve boredom is to shoot with someone for nickels or dimes per shot.
1 gallon milk jug @ 130-150 yards.

Hit it by shooting your bow with a pin sight with your longest yardage pin set at 30-40 yards.

Not applicable for any real hunting purposes but sure makes it interesting trying to figure out how much hold over it takes to get an arrow out there.
A tennis ball thrown out at random distances , using judo points . You need a safe back drop though . Arrows can deflect off the ball and ground at some angles . It not only helps you to aim small ,but judge distance as well .
Carlos Viagra said:
130-150 yards? I bet you lose a lot of arrows in that wild idea.

I have shot up to 100 yards with a single pin slider with a calibrated sight tape. you shoot cheap arrows? I shoot Easton Flatline Surgicals and wouldnt even try to guess the hold over at 130 yards with a 40 yard pin. I guess you won the state Hunter class with cheap arrows lol
Time yourself. Try to take a shot in less than 7 seconds each time. Kind of like snap shooting. Its been provin that your brain is most focused on an object in the first 10 seconds of fixating on it. So, in theory, you will start to become more accurate. Or, for fun, play poker. put up a bunch of cards, you and your buddies draw two cards. Each guy gets three shots. Best hand wins!