Anybody Hunt Without a Wrist Sling?


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I was testing out some different stabilizers today and simply removed my wrist sling. WOW! The bow felt immediately better to me without the wrist sling against the back of my bow hand. I shoot with a proper, relaxed grip and my bow falls forward at the shot. Even without the wrist sling I dont see how you could drop the bow except if one was to faint when they shoot lol! Personal preference but I won't be shooting with a wrist sling anymore.
Ive shot with and without it. Can't tell a difference. I do have mine set to where it doesn't actually touch my wrist or hand when I am shooting. I do like it for hunting though!
muddyboots said:
Tried one and gave it away. Not for me.
<-- X2

Put one on when I 1st started because my Buddy told me it was a MUST! lol, Took it off after that 1st day of shooting and refuse to use one again.
Yeah i use one.Dont know if it helps my accuracy,not much can help me,but if it can be dropped i will do it sooner or later.I'll keep on useing it.
I use to use one, but after shooting 2 or 3 3D shoots, I got tired of slipping my hand in and out of the thing. so I took it off and havent shot with one since. Personnal preferance I guess. Just like shooting with an arm guard. Some do some dont. But honestly I cant say that I felt to much of a change in the way my bow felt, or in the way that I shot with or with out a wrist strap.
If its affecting your grip , it's too tight to your hand . The sling should have a loose fit , so it doesn't affect or influence grip torque and is easy to slip your hand in while in stand .
One thing I like about a sling is that I can lay my bow on my lap , and just have my wrist in the sling to hold the bow on my lap . When a deer shows , up I'm ready to go . I have never had a wrist sling have a negative affect on my accuracy !
Trust me you can drop one if you are used to a sling.

My bow actually "falls" every time I shoot it.

Won't ever forget the time I shot Rad's new bow, without a sling.
LOL I never thought about it and his brand new bow bounced nicely. :D
Good target shooting form UTGrad , but I thought this thread was about hunting without a wrist sling , not target shooting ? That was your question , right ? Try that same form , shooting at a downward angle from a tree stand and let me know how well it works for you .
Radar said:
Good target shooting form UTGrad , but I thought this thread was about hunting without a wrist sling , not target shooting ? That was your question , right ? Try that same form , shooting at a downward angle from a tree stand and let me know how well it works for you .

I will and will let you know. Dee Falks is one of the best archery teachers around and he hunts from a tree stand without a wrist sling. I posted this same topic on Archery Talk and had 4 pages of replies of "hunters" who ditched the wrist sling. Not one person dropped their bow. I will see if I can make a video shooting from an elevated position.
I have always had one on my bows. I tend to grip my bow too hard without one pulling my shots to the left. Plus as expensive as bows have gotten I sure don't want to drop my bow.
UTGrad said:
Radar said:
Good target shooting form UTGrad , but I thought this thread was about hunting without a wrist sling , not target shooting ? That was your question , right ? Try that same form , shooting at a downward angle from a tree stand and let me know how well it works for you .

I will and will let you know. Dee Falks is one of the best archery teachers around and he hunts from a tree stand without a wrist sling. I posted this same topic on Archery Talk and had 4 pages of replies of "hunters" who ditched the wrist sling. Not one person dropped their bow. I will see if I can make a video shooting from an elevated position.

I'm not saying it can't be done . I shot without a sling for 20 years myself . I'm just referring to the video , by allowing the bow to fall forward that far while shooting at a steep downward angle , you may drop the bow . Now you can go out and film a video to prove me wrong , and 9 out of 10 times you may not have a problem , especially in the backyard . It's during a true hunting situation , when that buck of a lifetime steps out and the adrenaline is in overdrive , the bow may slip out of your grip .
It makes no difference to me either way , just trying to foresee a potential problem ahead of time , not a debate .
Well I made the video and more out of curiosity than to prove a point. I wanted to see what would happen shooting at a steep angle without a wrist sling. I would rather find out dropping the bow 6 feet vs 20 ft.

1) I was aiming at the brick in my house and no one was in danger for the tndeer police.

2) I found this to be about as steep an angle as I could comfortably shoot and still maintain form.

3) I had complete control of the bow. I shot several more arrows after this and came to the conclusion I can ditch the wrist sling.

It's really just a matter of personal preference but for some reason I really like shooting without the sling. I shoot just about everyday and feel confident about my level of control over the instrument in my hand. ... 8675ee.mp4