Anybody Hunt Without a Wrist Sling?

Radar said:
If its affecting your grip , it's too tight to your hand . The sling should have a loose fit , so it doesn't affect or influence grip torque and is easy to slip your hand in while in stand .
One thing I like about a sling is that I can lay my bow on my lap , and just have my wrist in the sling to hold the bow on my lap . When a deer shows , up I'm ready to go . I have never had a wrist sling have a negative affect on my accuracy !

Good post. I agree with that 110%.
A wrist sling has zero effect on accuracy. It's simply personal preference which is what this original thread is all about. I agree whether having or not having a sling will not make a difference where the arrow hits. I'm simply saying IMO I don't need it. I hang my bow on a hanger but do occasionally lay it on my lap. Either way there will be no difference with or without the sling. I simply like the way the bow feels in my hand without a strap and I've always kept mine loose.
Knothead said:
Radar said:
If its affecting your grip , it's too tight to your hand . The sling should have a loose fit , so it doesn't affect or influence grip torque and is easy to slip your hand in while in stand .
One thing I like about a sling is that I can lay my bow on my lap , and just have my wrist in the sling to hold the bow on my lap . When a deer shows , up I'm ready to go . I have never had a wrist sling have a negative affect on my accuracy !

Good post. I agree with that 110%.

I agree 110% also, a wrist sling is just that extra bit of insurance on a piece of equipment that costs upwards of a thousand dollars, and it should NEVER be tight enough to even possibly affect one's shot. To each his own, its your money and your equipment, but I would never shoot without one�especially when hunting is concerned.
UTGrad said:
Well let's agree to disagree.

Then, based on your prior comment ( see below), what is there to disagree about? If its personal preference ( as you state), it's not a matter of agreeing or not. Right?

UTGrad said:
A wrist sling has zero effect on accuracy. It's simply personal preference which is what this original thread is all about.
Its kind of like wearing a safety belt in a tree stand . 95% of the time you probably wouldn't risk falling , its the 5% that you would regret not wearing one . I don't think im any more accurate with a wrist sling , but I like that added insurance of having it around my wrist when I'm hanging on to my bow in the stand , same as wearing my safety belt . Think of the 5% .
I have one on my bow but it's not for accuracy. It's to keep the bow from flying toward the target. If you're pushing the bow away with your bow arm and pulling back with your release hand...when the shot happens it is a surprise and basically an explosion. If you can hold onto the bow after the shot without a finger sling or wrist sling, you are either NOT getting a surprise release, or are gripping the bow to hold onto it. Other wise it would go flying.

I found this out the hard way at the bow shop when shooting one of the new ones that didn't have a sling. I had to have some quick happy feet to catch that bow in mid air. Of course the way I grip the bow may be totally different than a lot of people. I don't have any fingers on the back side of the grip...the only part of my hand that contacts the grip is my palm...thus there is nothing to hold the bow once it fires, other than the wrist strap or finger cords.
Radar said:
Its kind of like wearing a safety belt in a tree stand . 95% of the time you probably wouldn't risk falling , its the 5% that you would regret not wearing one . I don't think im any more accurate with a wrist sling , but I like that added insurance of having it around my wrist when I'm hanging on to my bow in the stand , same as wearing my safety belt . Think of the 5% .

What a great comparison...falling out of a tree vs dropping a bow. The difference is I have control over the bow in my hand. Unless my hand falls off the bow isn't going anywhere.
Secret Squirrel said:
I agree with Radar. Insurance is great when you need it. I love your elevated position of 3 feet. I won't shoot without a wrist sling as a personal preference. To each his own.

Gravity is the same at 3 ft and 20 ft.