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Anybody still carrying a DXT?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2018
I bought my DXT (70 lb, 26.5" draw) in 2008, the first year Mathews made it, and it's been putting meat in the freezer right into this 15th season. There have been several years I never got to hunt at all, but it has killed squirrels, a yote, groundhogs, a raccoon, 1 turkey, and 14 of the 18 deer harvested since I bought it. (Pics from this season below.)

I don't even think of it as an "old" bow, though it seems like most people swap into a new one every year or two. I practice at least a few hundred shots with it each year, though there have been some seasons I couldn't get into the woods at all. I wax and maintain it regularly during practice. It was restrung in ~ 2013 when I had to replace the limbs. (Only because a few strands of carbon laminate split when I tried to lean all the way around a tree and bumped/scraped the limb at full draw on a sharp edge of my treestand). That's the last time the DXT was professionally tuned. I've checked unfletched arrow flight a few times, and some seasons I need to adjust the sights by a couple inches. Other than that, it's wearing all the same parts and accessories as on its first day at the range.

If I ever go out west for elk or mule deer, I'll probably upgrade my sight and stabilizer. But it's the only bow I've shot a full "Robin Hood" with ($$$ dang it!) and it still keeps 5 arrows in a 2" cluster at 30 yards, which is plenty tight enough for eastern deer hunting with a light, compact bow. Why change anything when it works so well and feels as familiar as my own hand?

So does anybody else still carry a DXT or other "old" bow?


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I am still running a 2008 Diamond Black Ice. Replaced Cables and Strings a few years ago. Still stacks arrows too close for comfort at 30. I often think about swapping up, but haven't had a reason to do so yet. Mine has only drawn blood in Texas. a few pigs, a bobcat and rabbit. One of those pigs was a BIG beast we estimated north of 300lbs. Warden said to kill them all, and leave them, so I did.
My parents bought me a PSE bow for Christmas 1984. I still have it. I made my first bow kill with it in 1989. Killed many more deer with it until 2014 when traditional archery caught my fancy. I had begun toying with recurves and longbows about 2001 but still mainly hunted with the PSE compound.
Switchback XT and DXT are 2 of the best bows Mathews ever made in my opinion.
I bought a Mathew Legacy off of a member here who shot for Mathews probably over 20 years ago . Never had to buy a new string for that bow . Only reason I'm not hunting with it is my shoulder. It still shoots like it did when I bought it . The guy was a member here but don't remember his name but we met in Lewisburg while I was hunting in Giles Co. I never ever considered buying a new bow . I know there are alot of good bows out there now but Mathews is the real deal . Before I bought that bow I bought a brand new PSE SR 500 I think was its name but it was top of the line when I bought it . Killed a few deer with it but when I bought the Mathews it was like the difference in night and day .
My parents bought me a PSE bow for Christmas 1984. I still have it. I made my first bow kill with it in 1989. Killed many more deer with it until 2014 when traditional archery caught my fancy. I had begun toying with recurves and longbows about 2001 but still mainly hunted with the PSE compound.
I started off shooting recurves as a kid in the 80s and hunting with one in the 90s. In East Tennessee back then, I was happy to even see a few deer in a season, much less get a shot at one.

After college and getting married, I started hunting again and take deer with a shotgun in 2002. In 2004 I got an already-old Oneida. Knowing that hunting skill--not equipment--was my limiting factor, I refused to buy a new bow until I scored with the old Oneida. I got my first bowkill with it in 2007, so I let myself upgrade to the DXT in 2008. But all along, I've wanted to get a recurve again and practice enough to feel good hunting with it.

For now I still have 4 of my 5 kids at home. That and running one business while in startup/newly opened mode on a side-business takes all my time for now. But one of these days I'll get back to my roots and go real old school with a stick and string.
DXT with this years kill
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Your kill pick was what made me wonder how many DXTs are still afield. Congrats on a really awesome buck!

[EDIT: Actually, what I had seen was the photo of PickettSFHunter's velvet buck and a bow that looks almost identical to mine. Both velvet bucks are really cool!]
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I bought a used Switchback XT around 2010 for $400. It came with a nice release, 2 dozen arrows and a target. I replaced the string a few years ago but it really didn't need it. I don't think I will ever buy another one. Everyone I have let shoot it just smiles after the release. I haven't bow hunted the past few years, but got it out of the case and shot it a few weeks ago. Drilled the bullseye at 25 yards the first shot.