I no longer do a lot of post-season scouting, although I certainly used to back when I was trying to figure out the deer patterns on my place. In essence, trying to figure out the basics - how deer use our habitat and terrain. Now it's more of - which of the features I know they prefer to use did they use this year? I generally figure that out during the season.
I'm very much a "visual" learner, and because of that, maps are a huge help. I started hand-drawing maps of my property when we first bought it but eventually moved up to digital maps. I collect everything. I have maps showing all of the rubs and scrapes I found each year. I can then lay these maps one on top of the other and see patterns that have developed or changed over the years as the habitat has changed. I can also see the very different patterns in buck sign that occur in good versus poor acorns years. Extremely helpful.