Anyone use a ghillie suit?

I've been picked off a few times, especially in the early season in the open woods.

I'm thinking about carrying a ghillie suit with me and throw over me when I get set up. My main concern is how hot it might be.

Any tips?
I've always used a Ghilli and I've had them within 5 steps with no foliage on the trees.. you can get them cheap on Amazon.. I highly recommend them
Gonna try a leafy jacket/shirt (no pants) this year.....always worn traditional camo in the past ( usually mossy-oak bottomland).
I've had them within 5 steps with no foliage on the trees..
I've many times had turkeys within 5 steps while I was wearing an orange vest & orange cap.

I'm sure ghillie suits help a bit with camouflage, but turkeys are much less likely to be alarmed by a stationary human than a deer. It is mainly movement (as well as unnatural sounds, like velcro & metallic) that spook turkeys.

I'm sure there are situations where these ghillie suits are more asset than liability, so not criticizing anyone for using them. I was just more focused on how they hung up on briars, and didn't like wearing them while turkey hunting. For me, they make more sense for deer & coyote hunting.
The best and cheapest ghillie suit is an old set of BDU's or the new multicams with a boonie hat. You take 550 cord and take the guts out of it. Take all three items to a sew shop and have them sew the 550 cord onto your top, pants and boonie leaving about three inches of non-sewed space throughout. Then you use surrounding vegetation and some jute and you are good to go. You may have to replace the vegetation everyday but it takes 5 minutes. The jute will last all season. This is what we used in both sniper courses I went through in SF. Never got picked off once by the instructors who were using high powered binos and spotting scopes looking for us. The key is do not overdo it on the jute use more vegetation. Use the jute intermittently on the front and back of your pants so it doesn't get hung up. But then you will have the 550 cord holding it which is pretty strong. You can also get a veil using netting sewn onto your boonie and just drop it down in front of your face if you don't want to wear a mask.