Are any of you planning on hunting LBL this season ? I work in LBL and thought I would give some advice and answer some questions that seem to come up each season. Hopefully this can help to answer some simple and basic questions some of you may have about LBL.
How big is LBL and what is the terrain like ? LBL is 170,000 acres of land that is about 90 % covered by forest and ridges.
Are there big Bucks in LBL ? Yes, but they are often scattered out over a large amount of land so patterning them can take time and patience.
How is the Deer population in LBL ? The LBL Deer population is down from what it used to be, mostly as a result of maturing forest and a increased coyote population. However there are still decent deer numbers in certain areas. It's important to remember LBL is mostly a large forested ecosystem. Typically large forested ecosystems simply do not support high deer densities. In some areas it is common to hunt 2 days straight and never see a deer, however in other places you may see deer daily.
What hunting areas are best ? The truth is every single hunting area/unit in LBL is mostly forest and ridges. So every hunting area/unit basically offers the same type of habitat and terrain to hunt. Some areas do however have more crops than other areas which can be seen on maps of LBL.
Which is better the KY side or the TN side of LBL ? Both sides have good areas and bad areas for deer hunting. The KY side generally receives more hunting pressure especially from Non Resident hunters. The TN side has more undeveloped land, and larger tracts of land in between roads. Both sides are capable of producing large Bucks.
Are there wild hogs in LBL ? Yes, back several years ago most were found in the northern end of LBL in area 1. However, in recent years there have been numerous wild hog sightings in the Tennessee portion of LBL.
Are there venomous Snakes in LBL ? Yes. There are Pigmy Rattlesnakes, Timber Rattlesnakes, Copperheads, and Cottonmouths present in LBL. Timber Rattlesnakes, and Copperheads have been confirmed in every single hunting area/unit. Pigmy Rattlensakes, and Cottonmouths are much more rare in LBL.