Man what a can of worms. I cant decide what kind of hunter I am!
I'm never going to buy the right T-Shirt and stickers for my truck if I don't get this figured out before opener.
Last season I passed 9 bucks on opening day so that makes me a trophy hunter, but I am conflicted.
Having 8 different "inferior" bucks in bow range sparring AT THE SAME TIME was really cool ! But I must be a failure as a trophy hunter though for not being disappointed that I didn't see/shoot a really big one.
The big ol nanner head doe that I have been targeting on that ridge for 3 years never showed. Pretty bummed about that. Not sure what kind of hunter that makes me. Old Doe hunter? Meat hunter?
Passed on 2 other does since they were headed to the "hollar of doom" and I didn't want to drag one up out of there. Hmmmm Guess that makes me a Lazy hunter and a failure as a doe shooter/ meat hunter since I had a kill shot on either one.
But I did carry my stand 1/2 mile up hill to get to that spot, so I'm doing the lazy hunter thing wrong and will probably get put out of the club if the governing body finds out.
Maybe there is a "didn't kill anything even though I had several shots and it was STILL one of my best days hunting anyway" T-shirt I can buy?
Later in the season, I hammered a 6 point with my mz because I felt like it that day. Tasted good! Used one of his horns in a project later too. Guess that would make me a "runty buck" hunter except I passed shots on 5 bucks which were much larger. Oh the confusion!
I also killed a big hog on a hunt in LA... And 3 Squirrels on a hunt in FL. LOVED every minute of it ! Now its getting really complicated. I don't know what camp of coolness I belong to ! How will I ever figure out how to identify myself?
Perhaps I can just call myself a "hunter" and enjoy any chance I get to hunt.
Perhaps I should celebrate with my fellow hunters and not give a hoot what group I nor anybody else falls into. Just try and suck the last drop of joy out of every day I am alive and in the woods.
Hmmmm Too bad that wont fit on a T-shirt. I would buy that one.