
Same for me, I have declared war on them stinking, ugly things. I have killed 4 in my yard in the last couple weeks. Until a few weeks ago I have never seen one or even sign of any.
Seen more this year than I ever have. I have seen just as many this year living back home as I did in Arkansas when I lived there.
I think they are getting desperate for food (bugs and worms) with this drought. They are having to move around more. Worms and grubs are having to go deeper into the soil - I have seen armadillos dig holes for at least 20 years and the holes I'm seeing lately are 3 times deeper and wider than I have ever seen. They are just having to move more, which is indicative of more sightings for everyone.
I snuck up on one the other day about 3 feet away, and he looked up at me for a second like I imagine TNtreeman would look at me, and then went back to eating grass. So I yelled at him and he ignored me.

I think he greenstriped me.
Do coyotes eat them?
Seems to me most things leave them to the buzzards. I can smell one right now that made it into the brush above my house before dying. Buzzards cant get to it and apparently the normal "cleaners" are leaving them. Had that happen quite a bit this year.
I watched one vacuuming up persimmons yesterday or the day before while sitting between acorns and persimmon. I am not sticking my arrows in them...
Was killing a couple a day for awhile but not seeing too many right now. This year has been a banner year for Rabbits, Chipmunks, Armadillos, Coyotes, and Bobcats round here.
What is up with them? Suddenly seeing them everywhere in daylight.
BSK, I honestly think it's related to the current drought conditions. We have seen a tremendous amount of daylight activity in the last couple of months, and the only reprieve from that was when we got some substantial rain around Labor Day. They seemed to disappear for about a week, and then it started up again. They must be out looking for available food sources.
I think their breeding season also. The other night at dusk I shot a female with open sight 22. She did the acrobatics demonstration flipping several feet into air, rolling etc. She ended up flipping through a corner of my machine shed, under my brush hog and then back out in the open before her demise.

As I headed back towards the house my son hollered down to turn around. Another came out on her exact path and followed exactly where she had been flip/flopping to include going under my brush hog. When he came out, nose to ground it was exactly where she rolled out and he caught 38 gn in his tiny brain. (The one between his ears.)
He had to be trailing her for more than friendship since I was within feet of him a couple times before I could get a shot and he flat ignored me.
BSK, I honestly think it's related to the current drought conditions. We have seen a tremendous amount of daylight activity in the last couple of months, and the only reprieve from that was when we got some substantial rain around Labor Day. They seemed to disappear for about a week, and then it started up again. They must be out looking for available food sources.
Very interesting observation. We've had a good population of armadillos on our place since about 2008. Yet I've never seen daylight activity like this. Just crazy.
Do any of you eat the ones you kill.
I had two of them in the early 70's in FL. One I cooked like a roast, tasted and had the consistency of pork. The 2nd I cut up into chunks, braised them, then put them in a big pot of spaghetti sauce.

This was well before the info on 'Dillos carrying leprosy became known. :eek:
I've got them at my house and can't seem to get rid of them. I kill one and another moves in. Worst part is they seem to be mostly nocturnal. Trapping them is difficult as my traps seem to attract raccoons and skunks.
I see them on the roads all the time but, have never seen a live one. But, did get one on a trail cam a few weeks ago.
I've killed two in my yard last couple weeks....and I'd leave them alone if they'd leave me alone...but they are destroying my yard.....I've got a buddy at work who keeps a record and last time I asked him he said between him and his daughter they had killed 58 this year....and he said it hadn't even seemed to make much of a difference?...they just keep coming ... they'll go out in the late afternoon or early evening and ride the sxs with shotguns and hammer them.