Arrow Builders

Glue on, but I do crest some arrows with spray paint before hand.

If you're talking about the pre-fletch arrow wraps that you dip in hot water, I've got little experience with those. I bought some once and they had no helical or off-set. If I wanted an off-set, I had to add it myself before they dried. I couldn't get it consistent, so they all went into the garbage.
If I use wraps I get the reflective ones otherwise I wony use any unless the vanes aren't wanting to stick correctly. They do look a little better with wraps though.
I use Goldtip arrows 400gr. and 125gr. broadhead. I was told by the local shop I should wrap them ( hot water dip ones) vanes included. I have always fletch my own. Will the wraps effect the weight much?
I always white wrap mine before fletching, vanes stick better imho. If wraps mess up your arrow flight you have bad problems! Besides they look better once turned red
I use Goldtip arrows 400gr. and 125gr. broadhead. I was told by the local shop I should wrap them ( hot water dip ones) vanes included. I have always fletch my own. Will the wraps effect the weight much?
The hot water dips are 💩, not durable at all. Order you some reflective wraps than fletch as normal, that is if you want wraps. With 125 up front it isnt going to affect a thing