Arrow size question

Red Rider 450

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I just got a new bow a few weeks ago. Parker Inferno. The arrows I have, Carbon Express 250 ,were from a previous bow. The website says I need a 350 for this bow(Inferno).

I know the 250 is a lighter arrow and would think it might make a differnece in penetration. Will it affect accuracy? What are the down sides to this? I am going to get some heavier arrows, just wondering what difference it would make. Thanks
For one thing, you'll find that shooting the lighter ones will cause your bow to be noticeably louder, than with the heavier ones. This I learned from experience. I'm no expert, but have been told that too light of an arrow is damaging to a bow....JMO
Rowdy is right! Every bow is designed to shoot a minimum wieght arrow. for instance, my bow is designed to shoot atleast 350gr. total wieght. Anything 350 or less is close to dry fireing the bow and could result in damaging the bow or injury. Plus a lighter arrow will likely be louder. Not to mention an under splined arrow could result in accuracy problems. A heavier arrow will also have more penatration and connetic energy.