Average distance???

The avg. distance I shoot turkeys at is probably 25 yds. I dont want em too close. But I don't want to shoot at 60 either. However I will/have killed at 50 yds cause I know my gun can do it. I prefer pulling the trigger when they are around 25yds.
Average for me is around 25 yards. I will shoot out to 45 though with complete confidence in killing the bird. But I would much rather shoot him at 25 :grin:
renegade50 said:
RUGER said:
There is not a problem with your question.
The problem will arise with the answers to your question.

Someone will talk about effectively killing a turkey at say, 64 yards and then the holier than thou carry overs from deer hunting eliteist will pounce on them like a pack of rabid wolves.

I never shoot a turkey past 15 yards and never shoot a deer over 12 yards with a bow or over 48 yards with a firearm.
Those are the only "acceptable" answers.....

I apologize, I am in a very foul mood and kinda took it out on your thread... I really am sorry but I ain't gonna delete because, well I am right. ;)


aint even worth posting sometimes is it ruger.

Nope sure ain't.
I have two VERY cool stories from last year that I would LOVE to post but I don't feel like getting crucified for it.
I will say both shots were over the magical 12 yard mark. ;)

I guess I should say two stories that I think are cool. Maybe not for some. :D
buckdead said:
harvester said:
buckdead said:
My average is probably around 30 yds. The reason I shoot at 40 and 50 yds is so that I will feel comfortable shooting those distances if I need to.

. . . . . . . just simply bored and got to thinking about how much I have spent on shells, chokes and sore shoulders, just thought it was a little humorious how many people like myself go through patterning every year before turkey season trying to get just a little better pattern at the longer ranges. [size]Then end up shooting turkeys that a modified choke with 2 3/4" shells could kill. lol [/size]
Maybe all the $$ spent on chokes and shells will payoff when you kill the next state record bird that hung up at 45 yds infront of ya ;) :D

Or, maybe you'll cuss yourself for missing the next state record bird at 15 yds. ;) :D

I'm guessing the average distance I've killed turkeys over the past 30 years has been about 22 yards. And most WERE killed with 2 3/4" shells, although my favorite old side-by-side makeshift "turkey" gun was pretty deadly out to 40 yards.

Funny how most of us are really great at turning "wants" into "needs". I'm very good at it myself. :)
RAFI said:
buckdead said:
My average is probably around 30 yds. The reason I shoot at 40 and 50 yds is so that I will feel comfortable shooting those distances if I need to.

I really dont get why your asking this question :confused:

Why would you want to shoot your deer rifle at 200 + yds when your average kill is 70yds :crazy:

Thats funny.got me to thinking.If someone makes a 200 yard shot on a deer then people say they made a good shot.If people kill a turkey at 50 yards people say they suck at calling and are unethical :D
harvester said:
What is the average distance that you shoot turkeys at? Trying to get some opinions why people want to pattern their turkey guns at 40 yards or farther and kill mostly between 20 and 30 yards?

20 to 30 yards for me. ;)

Average is 25 yards for me.

Why i pattern my gun for 40 yards and why i buy alittle more expensive shells is for this reason. To many times i was hunting in a large field and the bird would hang at 45 to 50 yards. Its like they knew not to get any closer to that woodline all around the field. I tried all the calling i could pull off,.. and even a full strut dek( which i don't like in open fields),.. nope they wouldn't do it. SO,.. i started working on my choke/shell set up to get me to 45 to 50 yards and it pattern well enough to kill,.. but still be highly effective and not so tight that i miss at close yardages. After several chokes and several shells,.. my gun performed best from 20 to 50 yards with a 660 jellyhead and winchester x-tended range 6 shot. Anything past 50 i will not attempt,.. and i'm not buying 7 dollar shells to get me past 50. The x-tended range is roughly $3.75 a shot,. i will pay that for the way it performs in my gun and gets me that extra yardage i needed on them hung up birds.
I may end up trying some of the new hevi shot though. The hevi 13's didn't do nowere near as good as winchesters in my gun,. in fact,. it performed worse than any i tried. BUT,.. i might have to try the heavy shot straight 7's.