Back Yard Trail Cam Critters

I have seen yotes running right down the middle of Harding Pk on my way hunting in the AM. They den in Richland Crk I've been told.
Glad to see the cameras are still working for you Gil. You haven't yelled at me in a while. You mad???? LOL Just kidding buddy. Your still a newly wed and I remember what newly weds do all the time. Never have a spare moment. Seriously give me a yell sometime. Great pics. I hope to build some this spring and get them in the woods this fall.
outdoorbob said:
Glad to see the cameras are still working for you Gil. You haven't yelled at me in a while. You mad???? LOL Just kidding buddy. Your still a newly wed and I remember what newly weds do all the time. Never have a spare moment. Seriously give me a yell sometime. Great pics. I hope to build some this spring and get them in the woods this fall.

Holy moly! I'm glad you're up to getting on-line!

I've been seeing my wife for over 6 years, so you can bet I ain't doin' whatever newlyweds do! ;)

One cam's doing great. The other has been acting up but is getting repaired as we speak.

Now Bobby, I bet I've called you the last 10 times. Pick up the phone and give me a jingle. I want to hear how you are feeling.

So glad you are talking about building again and getting on-line again.
drrxnupe said:
Nice Gil! How's it been going?

Hey man, all's good here. Mom finally passed, but it was definitely a blessing. Got a puppy, finished the house, and broke as ever.
We need to go fishing sometime, as I haven't had a chance to get out in a while.
There's a huge cicada hatch coming in early summer, and that will be a blast to fish.
How are you?
I love hijacking my own thread. :grin:
Here's another pretty cool one I got last week.

gil1 said:
It's a "homebrew: made from a Sony P41 camera. Outdoorbob on tndeer used to sell them.
Awesome pics Gil, thanks for sharing. I have two of Bob's original P41/SSS builds and they are GREAT cams to say the least. Bob built a fine fine home brew unit.
Gil as you know I live not very far from you. The other critters I see on a regular basis, but the bobcat, wow! that is really neat. Now you just need to get a picture of the turkeys that are around.
Poor redneck said:
Gil as you know I live not very far from you. The other critters I see on a regular basis, but the bobcat, wow! that is really neat. Now you just need to get a picture of the turkeys that are around.

How ya been doin', my Green Hills friend?

A neighbor had a turkey hen in her yard a few years ago, but that's the only one I've ever sen around here. Every once in a blue moon, I'll see a deer in the area, but I've never gotten a trail cam pic. of one this close to town.

You don't have any turkeys over there at the 5-way stop, do you? ;)
TTT by request...

I think I got all these in a couple days right behind my house in urban Nashville.

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