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Bands of Brothers


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2006
This morning two longbeards right off the roost, came into the narrow field about 100 yards or so from my blind, looked me over and crossed out of sight. I assumed that they went on up the hill in the woods with the two hens that they were accompanying. Did not see or hear them from then on. Then I looked down the field and saw five gobblers rounding the point, looking my direction. They started walking toward me and got out of sight under a rise. Just before they got to he point where the original two had crossed, those two reappeared, hurried crossed back the way they had come in front of the approaching five and ran out of the field behind the five. Then the five bolted and ran around the same point behind the two. Obviously, one group was scared or the other, maybe both. Has anyone every experienced sets of gobblers running from other gobblers? I cannot be certain about the status of the five(LBs or Jakes), but I suspect they were mature birds, because two of the five were strutting(behind a hen they were following) when I first saw the group. At any rate, too many gobblers at the same time!

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