barbeque sauce

rabbit hunter said:
Mossy Rack, how bout it, you tried it yet?
Not yet but it is on the agenda for this weekend I got mlk day off. I got the ingredients but just haven't done it yet I ended up grilling the other day so I didn't make any up.
Rabbit hunter thank you It is awesome I thought when I first got done with it that it would be to wangy but after being in the fridge all night and day it is awesome I really appreciate that recipe My wife loves it to. Thanks again I wrote Rabbit Hunters barbeque sauce on the bottle. It has just the right amount of kick to it. I ain't sure it will last to long to age tho. lol
I just had a deerbque sandwich with some of your sauce its awesome. We have used almost half of it and only had barbeque once I like it on alot of stuff. I used some ceyenne for the red pepper that I ground up and it has a hot to it that is killer. Thanks again for the recipe.
I made a batch yesterday of Rabbithunters sauce.......that is some good stuff........even thought I'll probably be dragging my arse across the carpet later it's good .......... :D
This is a really good no cook BBQ sauce recipe.

1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup ketchup
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup spicy brown mustard
2 tbs. Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp. liquid smoke

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