Barking Dogs and Deer

That can be one of the worst feelings when you know you have a nice shooter buck and he only comes around at 10pm or later because the neighbors dogs out running around and barking their heads off. I have dealt with it for 10+ years. I have a neighbor on each side, both with dogs and thank god one of them just moved out. That could still be a bad thing tho bc the next one may be even worse!
I live on 20 acres and a big reason I bought the place 13 years ago was to hunt it. I've killed some nice bucks right out my back door. Its been nice. Until this year. New neighbor moved in and what does she do but get 4 dogs and tie them up out back. 50 yards to the right of my shoot house. These dogs bark constantly. Now I rarely see deer in my plot except on camera in middle if the night. I've wondered if deer get used to the barking. I dont think the mature bucks tolerate it. If nothing else, it is tiring to hunt in my shoot house because they never. Shut. Up.

Oh and her teenage boys like to do the Daytona 500 in trucks around the house during prime time hunting some afternoons--while the dogs bark. Neighbors suck. She aint going anywhere either--the place was given to her. Bad neighbors is a curse Ive had at all 3 houses Ive owned.
Hunt it the deer will get use to the dog and want pay attention to them or any sounds you happen to make in that direction
Mature bucks notice dogs/coyotes barking. "I" bark "ROOFF" to stop a buck hard trailing with a purpose. You got about 2-3 seconds with a head/neck pointed at you.

Usually works even when a grunt does not so, to me, that indicates deer a very aware of the potential threat.

My experience is when dogs are chasing in my woods, the mature bucks are gone.
I know I'd hate it but I'm constantly amazed at how adaptive and smart critters are. For instance, I'd almost swear that the rabbits in our yard know they don't have to run when my doodle is on his leash. Or I'm reminded of my best archery buck. It sounded like a war that afternoon because of the nearby gun club but the bachelor group just kept on picking up white oak acorns like no big deal. So as long as the dogs aren't on your property chasing deer my guess is they only are bothering you. Again though, I'd hate to have neighbors like that and hope it eventually changes for the better for you.
I know I'd hate it but I'm constantly amazed at how adaptive and smart critters are. For instance, I'd almost swear that the rabbits in our yard know they don't have to run when my doodle is on his leash. Or I'm reminded of my best archery buck. It sounded like a war that afternoon because of the nearby gun club but the bachelor group just kept on picking up white oak acorns like no big deal. So as long as the dogs aren't on your property chasing deer my guess is they only are bothering you. Again though, I'd hate to have neighbors like that and hope it eventually changes for the better for you.
Yeah at least they dont chase the deer. Its just annoying as crap. Part of the deer hunting experience for me is the enjoyment of nature. It's not enjoyable hunting over my plots any more. They bark in the same cadence over and over and over. Literally 50 yards to my right. I need to get one of those bird houses mentioned above. Worth a shot.
Yeah at least they dont chase the deer. Its just annoying as crap. Part of the deer hunting experience for me is the enjoyment of nature. It's not enjoyable hunting over my plots any more. They bark in the same cadence over and over and over. Literally 50 yards to my right. I need to get one of those bird houses mentioned above. Worth a shot.
If you have a PetSmart or something like that around I'd definitely get one of the strongest you can get. I don't have dogs barking in the woods when I hunt but my neighbor has 3 dogs that use to bark like crazy when I would be outside at the campfire. They would come to the fence and just go nuts and it would make me beyond furious. To the point that I would grab my pistol and they would come to the fence going nuts barking and acting like they were about to chew my legs off. I'd take my 45acp and point it straight down to my side and empty it into the ground and that was about 2' beside their head on the other side of the fence. Then I put up two of the silencer max on t-post up against the fence and now it's peace and quiet for me at the campfire.
I know I'd hate it but I'm constantly amazed at how adaptive and smart critters are. For instance, I'd almost swear that the rabbits in our yard know they don't have to run when my doodle is on his leash. Or I'm reminded of my best archery buck. It sounded like a war that afternoon because of the nearby gun club but the bachelor group just kept on picking up white oak acorns like no big deal. So as long as the dogs aren't on your property chasing deer my guess is they only are bothering you. Again though, I'd hate to have neighbors like that and hope it eventually changes for the better for you.
Right. I saw 3 dogs trailing a couple of does across in front of me the other day while on stand. THAT is what makes me the maddest. Those strays are in danger of not making if off my property.
Just wait till you are hunting a place you have hunted for 25 plus years and a family member moves in and proceeds to letting flea bag have the run of the place. It does absolutely no good to say anything because I am apparently the problem.
The back corner of my property has a similar situation, they have a GSD and if it gets triggered it will bark for two hours without moving. As some have said, when he fired up it could mean deer heading your way… but more often nothing happens, I assume If there were deer they went the other way. His bark is so loud and obnoxious nothing moves "towards" it, so essentially your hunt is over. I've never seen a deer more than 5 minutes after he fires up. If your stand clangs at daylight and he hears it down the hollar, may as well pack it up and head somewhere else
His bark is so loud and obnoxious nothing moves "towards" it, so essentially your hunt is over. I've never seen a deer more than 5 minutes after he fires up. If your stand clangs at daylight and he hears it down the hollar, may as well pack it up and head somewhere else

I'm not even sure why people have dogs like that. Seems it would annoy them.
Right. I saw 3 dogs trailing a couple of does across in front of me the other day while on stand. THAT is what makes me the maddest. Those strays are in danger of not making if off my property.
Absolutely. Secured barking dogs and free roaming dogs are different altogether.

Reminds me of a suspicion why I've never seen deer in an area I've seen plenty of buck sign in the last few years. It's some public ground that's not too far from some homes, and I've heard dogs on the trail of something in that area before, maybe a couple of times that I recall.
We have a fenced in yard and the dogs go crazy if they see a deer within 100 yards. Apparently they have gotten used to it because it doesn't bother the deer at all. 2 weeks ago I see a buck locked up on a doe from my stand between where I was sitting and the house. They moved up into the grown up stuff and I knew they either bedded down or went across the road. A little later I left the house and as I was backing out the same 2 deer were standing 40 yards from my fence not bothered at all by the dogs.

I'm sure it's different if they are tied up though.
Dogs will 100% absolutely ruin a deer or turkey hunting place. Guarantee. Sell and move on or wait out the neighbor getting rid of the dogs.
Get you a couple of Dog Silencer Max units and they run off batteries. They are advertised to go off from 300' away when barking is detected. Sends an ultrasonic high pitched frequency. I've got a buddy that is looking into a stronger speaker that can be added to it as a diy thing just to make sure the dogs hear it LOUD to them
I have a Dog Silencer "Super Max".
It's shaped like a rifle and runs on gunpowder.
If he was mans best friend he would be at his mans house and not ruining my property

Beat me to it. That is is exactly right. If somebody cared about the dog, it wouldn't be out running deer through my woods. I went to great expense and effort installing a privacy fence around my back yard specifically because I didn't want my pets to becomes all of my neighbors' nightmare. It's not too much to expect the same. Chain it, electric fence it, privacy fence it, keep it inside except for a leash, kennel it, whatever it takes to keep it from being everybody else's problem. If you're not considerate enough to that then don't come crying when "Lucky" isn't so lucky.

Don't get me wrong. If a dog gets loose and runs around the countryside acting a fool, checking everything out, then I'll do anything I can to catch it, keep it safe, and return it to its home. But if your dog habitually chases deer in my woods and you don't fix it, then it's going to be treated same as a coyote.