Well-Known Member
Shot a doe this morning and found part of her lung on the side of a tree she was standing near. She ran maybe 40 yards and crashed.
These Barnes expanders mean business!
I know everyone has their reasons, but I don't know why you would shoot anything else. They are bad medicine!Shot a doe this morning and found part of her lung on the side of a tree she was standing near. She ran maybe 40 yards and crashed. These Barnes expanders mean business!
FIFY!One ofthe best muzzleloader bullets!
Yep! CVA Optima, 250gr. expander and 90gr. of 777 here.My go to bullet ,250 grain in my cva is deadly and very accurate.
That's a beauty!They are nasty and expand at lower velocities and penetrate well. My son shoots them and he's only shoot 60g of blackhorn. He's shot 5 with them all past though except one from yesterday. Shot it at 125 and got in shoulder more than normal. Found bullet under hide on opposite shoulder.
Same here this week with 200 grain TC Shockwave bullet from .45 caliber smokeless @ 2,600 fps. Blood and white lung matter all over leaves.That's awesome. I've had chunks of lungs on the ground from broadheads.
is that a custom deal from a smith, or an available conversion ? where would one look?a 45/70 smokeless conversion.
Talk to @jlanecr500 . He's done several conversions. I think they use a 45/70 rifle, and convert it to a 45 cal that a custom deal from a smith, or an available conversion ? where would one look?