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Bass Fishing at Pickwick


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2015
Out Hiking
My buddy DavidK and I are headed to Pickwick Sunday for a day of bass fishing. It's been a while since I've been up there so I need a little direction. We will likely be fishing Yellow Creek area. Is this a good time of year to throw lipless crank baits and/or spinner baits and chatter baits or should we go a different direction?
Watch the water level. It's flooded right now and pulling a ton of current. I suspect they will get it pulled down some by Sunday, but keep an eye on it.
Watch the water level. It's flooded right now and pulling a ton of current. I suspect they will get it pulled down some by Sunday, but keep an eye on it.
And by all means, STAY AWAY from that dam.
The reservoir side is just not worth the risk during high water.
There is ALWAYS a risk of your motor not starting,
and you can quickly be sucked over that dam.
Lake is also 3 feet over summer pool when I checked this morning (417). 7 feet over winter pool. They are dropping it nearly 3 feet in the next two days. Unless you are very familiar with the lake, it is probably gonna be tough fishing with conditions changes so quickly.