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Bass Fishing


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2018
Dreaming of Tarpon
Not dense. In saltwater the tides dictate feeding times and ambush points. If the water is not moving the fish won't eat.

the image is of Steven Crowder who is a conservative personality who goes to college campuses and will put up a sign that will trigger liberals. He films it and put is on YouTube. For example, he will put up a sign that says Trump isn't racist, and the libs go crazy.
thats the way bass fishing is except you can see them except on a graph and even then it could be carp, stripers, gasper goos, etc.

when the dams open up or start generating its like ringing a dinner bell, but sometimes the bigs will hit in slack water chasing bluegill.

bass fishing takes a while to learn, but when you hook into a big and it bolts out of the water trying to shake you off and itll break your heart when it does. kind of like a bad woman.

then you have spots, not very big but psychotic. kind of like a crazy woman.

smallies are fun but ive never been big on them. sometimes finicky and more spooky than a paranoid schizo.

last but not least there are the yellow bass, 10" devils that think they are 30" and come out of the water ready to hurt you. fyi, grab them under the belly away from the gills or they will cut you quick.

all that said, the only true bass we have are stripers. fun but hard to find now, at least the 30-40 pounders.
Thanks for the write up. I've tried most all of it and it's just not my thing. I need moving water and a fish that's capable of pulling drag. In fact I've caught a a dozen or more bass that people would consider trophies but they were all by-catch when I was targeting tarpon or snook.

I did try to get dbllunger to show me the ropes of his rockfish escapades. He told me he was too afraid that he'd end up in one of those "A Florida man..." news stories.
Don't fish saltwater so am not familiar with tides, etc. Thanks for the explanation.
WTM, familiar with the effect of Apalachia Dam on the trout on the Hiwassee River. Rushing water loosens food and the trout feed on it.
Some of my biggest Snook have eaten live Grunts on the bottom during "slack" tide;)
Agreed that it can and does happen. I've experienced the same thing but speaking broadly, feeding times in tidal fisheries are most influenced by the tide. If I had a choice to fish slack water or a moving tide, I'd pick the moving tide 100% of the time.
Love me some dead tide in the Lowcountry. Reds will cruise the bank staying within a foot or two to keep away from Flipper and be the first to get up on the flats for the fiddlers.

And yes I suck at bass fishing on lakes.

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Just to get your mind back in the game Pilchard!!!


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Ha! I'm pretty sure I dreamt of those things last night. Well, every night.

I know I bad mouthed still water and bass fishing but I still take my son to do it. I want him to like fishing even if it's a type of fishing I need to learn to enjoy. Here he is last Friday:


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