Beard Collectors Kill Thread

Grizzly Johnson

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score

This thread is for story & picture sharing.....
Had an awesome evening today. I wasn't able to hunt this morning,so I got out to the farm around 4pm and made it to where I was going to set up and blind call for a little while. Well after about 30 mins of intermittent calling I heard a bird gobble behind me. So, I quickly turned and set up on the other side of the tree and started calling. He was gobbling at every call, all the while I could tell he was getting closer. Then I saw him coming down the ridge towards me at a steady pace, Gobbling/strutting. I stoppped calling and let him get about thirty yards and let the remington do the rest. Great evening hunt. 21.5#, 9"beard, 7/8"spurs.

# 2 Down!! Only had 2 hrs to hunt this morning so I decided to hunt a farm close to home that I haven't been to this year. I set up on a wooded ridge that the birds normally will roost on with a large pasture below me. As I am sitting there I hear a bird gobble in a wooldlot on the other side of the pasture and I am thinking to that I won't have enough time to hunt this bird, when all of the sudden a bird gobbles direcly behind me on the side of the hill facing the pasture. I figured he would fly down and join the other turkeys across the pature. So, my plan was to try and change his mind and keep him on my side. I make a few soft yelps and the next thing I hear are wings flapping and I see him fly down onto the side of the hill to my left. I make a few more calls and here he comes. Strutted in to about 35-40 yds and was acting like he was going to turn and go the opposite direction so, I decided to go ahead and take the shot and end of story. Bird Down!!

23.2 Lbs
9.5" Beard
Right spur- 1 3/8"
Left spur- 1"

Got the first one with the new bow. Awesome experience. Had a tough morning but hanging in there paid off. Had a group of three good Toms come by that were basically sprinting at about 70 yards mid morning. Couple hours later had 2 more Toms come to me and hang up at 50 yards and turn the other way. They finally set up shop about 100 yards from me and stutted for a good 45 minutes. Nothing I said made them come in closer. Well shortly after they disappeared, my back was killing me sitting in my 3 legged chair, you know the kind that get pretty snug with the stones. Anyway, I decided to turn the chair backward to try to stretch out my back. After sitting like that for about 10 minutes I here a "crunch" outside my left blind window. Huge Tom 12 yards away headed straight for my decoy spread. I usually don't use decoys because I don't like hauling them around, but this morning I had a wild hair... So the Tom goes up to a Jake that I had positioned guarding two hens and he proceeded to beat the tar out of it. Well remember, I am backward in my chair and he's 12 yards away. So I grab my bow below the window line and attach my release while keeping my head on the bird. He decides that he's given the jake the beating of his life and wants to make sure he understands so he drops his head and looks the jake directly in the eyes. That was his mistake because in doing so his tail was blocking his vision from seeing me. SO I raise the bow, draw and game over within what felt like a half a second. On the board!

21lbs 4oz
10 3/4" Beard
Left and Right Spurs 1 3/8"

About 30 minutes later, these three jokers come by looking for some action... They just got shot with the DSLR.
Had a great hunt this morning. This is the first turkey taken from our farm. There have always been turkeys around us and occasionaly move through but we couldn't ever seem to hold them. However, over the past three years we have been able to improve some habitat as well as food plots and it looks like the results are working.

22.5 Lbs
1" spurs

What a season this year! I finished up with a great bird this morning. I have been hunting a group of gobblers the past couple of weeks and have came close several times. Two days ago me and a friend were hunting another another group of birds and all morning we could here one bird gobbling in a different spot. Well, this morning I could not get to the woods till after 7am,so I went to the area where we had been hearing that lone gobbler and made a few yelps and he gobbled out in a field. I made my way to about twenty yds from the field and I could hear him drumming, however, I could not see him because he was over the crest of a hill in the field. I would call he would gobble,but he was going away.I figured he had company with him, so I waited and let him move on away,then I dropped off the side of a hill and set up where I thought he was going to go. Sure enough, I got set up on a logging road that was facing the field that he was in, I called and he gobbled and I could tell he was close. I made a few more yelps and cutt a couple of times and next thing I could hear him drumming, Then I could see him strutting at the edge the field, but there was some brush between me and him for a clear shot. As I was waiting for a shot, then hen that he was with starts to putt and then I figured I had better take the shot. Luckily he had stepped into a better opening and I was able to get a good shot at 25 yds.

20lbs 10oz
10.5" Beard
1.25" Spurs


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