Coach said:
LCU said:
Radar said:
LCU said:
My Drenalin has a smooth draw,and is very quiet.
I draw on deer at 10 yds,and it doesn't make a sound.
What makes noise on your Mathews bow Radar?
It is mostly string noise because of the longer ATA ,and not quite parallel limbs of the newer models . I like the grip on the PSE better too . It fits in my hand better . But that is me , shoot what works for you and be happy with it .
The grip on my Dren doesn't feel as good as I think it should. Thought about replacing it. Maybe next year.
That's a common problem can buy a cheaper grip that will work better or I think there is one called a Shrewsbury for in the mid $50's...
Ever hear of a Torqueless Grip?
Heard good things about it.
I'll check into a Shrewsbury.
My hand is average size,but the stock Mathews grip does not fit me even close. No idea how they came up with this design.
I shoot my Dren fine with this grip,but it's not like it should be IMO.