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Best life jackets

Forgive my ignorance but don't you have to pull something on the inflatables before they deploy? Maybe it's just some but the problem is if you get knocked out while going overboard it's not gonna work. Correct me if I'm way off on them.
There are three types of inflatables.

a. one you manually pull a cord to inflate
b. one that senses water (wetness) and inflates (rain can cause these to inflate).. these also have a manual cord
c. one that senses water pressure and inflates (rain cannot cause these to inflate) - hydrostatic... these also have a manual cord

I use a Mustang Elite 28 Hydrostatic. Small, lightweight, and Type 3.

After having cheaper non-hydrostatic ones inflate on me from rain, the Mustang Elite 28 was worth the extra money.

Several people (on other message boards) point out that the Mustang Elite 28 is either black or red and not ideal for a rescue scenario. Once inflated, the material that pops out is lime green. They're fine.
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I don't plan to be in the water at all 😆
You may not PLAN to be in the water, that doesn't mean you won't BE in the water.
Throwing a castnet last summer, I slipped and found myself in the water with no life jacket on and an 8 lb castnet attached to my wrist.
Everything worked out though, swam to the back of the boat, pulled down the ladder, just to find that, in my wet clothes, I couldn't reach the bottom rung of the ladder!
Pulled the lower unit over, stepped on it, got on the ladder and got on the boat.
80° water, 80° air temperature, no problem. Make that 45° water and 45° air temps, big difference.
Next day, bought a 5 rung ladder for the boat and a Mustang flotation jacket!
Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
Seems we lose one or two old guys every winter because they somehow wind up in the water, can't get back in the boat and succomb to hypothermia or drown.
There is no reason not to wear a life jacket these days. I have been hesitant for years about using inflatable vests/ jacket. Always wear hot foam ones. Been researching inflatable & mustang HIT hydrostatic is the best. Just ordered one they had them on sale for $224. On all inflatable they say not to use them in freezing temperatures. Cold weather can cause the co2 canister to fail.