Best Steak Knives

No first-hand experience, but some people REALLY like Cutco knives. I have bought and sold several on eBay. I know they do have a lifetime warranty.

Anyway, I checked their website about the dishwasher, and found this:

Keep Them Clean
Dishwater vs. dishwasher? While much high-quality cutlery (like CUTCO knives) are dishwasher-safe, it's recommend you hand-wash your knives and dry them right away to keep them looking great.

  • Don't let your knives soak in the dishwater too long. The mineral content in some areas could stain the blades.
  • If you use your dishwasher, we recommend you avoid using powdered detergent. Try liquid, gel or tablet detergent. Also make sure your detergent either contains a rinse agent or you add one to dispenser in your dishwasher.
I vote CUTCO as well. They make literally the most comfortable knife I have used in the kitchen.
You could get steakhouse knives. I guarantee they don't hand wash them. Big, heavy and adds the ambience of a steak dinner out.
I've used a mora companion in the kitchen for the last five or so years and love it. Easy to sharpen and throw in the dishwasher when dirty. I've often thought about buying five more for a "set"
i buy cheaper but sharp steak knives and hand wash them. unless youre like Ruger and use paper plates, youre going to dull the piss out of them anyway. i typically resharpen them quite often.
The key is never cut on a plate. Cut on a cutting board. Plates , counter tops will dull a knife quickly. Always cut a steak on a cutting board. That is why steak knives you put out for company are serrated.
You will ask 100 Steak/cooking and knife experts and likely get 101 different answers. You said you are a "I'm a buy once, cry once kind of consumer"

Here is mine. On our Wedding date in 1985 We were in Gatlinburg and bought a set of Henkels. To this date they are still sitting on our counter. Buy once, Cry once. I have Broken two of them and the factory has replaced them for nothing more than shipping. They stay as sharp as I keep them.

I have supplemented them with different knives over the years. I have some ceramics. I have some Japanese knives that are really nice. But day end and day out HENKELS is your buy once cry once answer.

Edit to add : they say this one is dishwasher safe but recommends hand washing.,aps,122&sr=8-6&th=1
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If you've not tried sous vide method you are seriously missing out. 4 hours at 125 then sear to your liking on a grill, SS, or cast iron. Never had more tender juicy steak / venison / lamb chops (at 130). Edge to edge medium rare. Melt in your freaking mouth. Cuts with a dull fork.
Call me what you want for sous vide, but you'll thank me later.
Pretty sure I have read multiple times no more than 3 hrs under 130 ymmv, I have some cheap ones that have serrated edges, when I ran them over my sharpening steel they are wicked even on tough steaks šŸ¤£ , they had gotten dull and I thought what the heck, sharpened right up
I have cutco and they are fine in dishwasher, but the ticket is you cannot let them touch any other metal....this will dull the blades. Works fine if you are careful how they go in. My set is over 10 yrs old and still cuts like it did on day 1....never been sharpened.
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I had to check and see if I commented three years ago. I didn't! We use Cutco. Idk about the steak knives but all our other Cutco's are sharpened for free. šŸ”Ŗ

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