I'm fond of the detail in pics from my Browning cams for the price. But only have experience with dummy (non-cell) Brownings. Cheap enough I'd buy 2 cameras, 2 cable locks & a lock box to hopefully get them for theft, as I get them for trespassing, if they do find one of the cameras. The lock box seems to keep the lens from fogging this time of year, as well.
That said, I do agree with the cellular option. The picture is received in real-time & LEO can be notified immediately, possibly catching the trespassers while on the property depending on circumstances. The WiseEye take quality pics, get much more reliable reception than Tactacam or Cuddeback ever did on my property & send the full-size images to their app. Catch the cameras on Black Friday, you probably get away with one cheaper than the non-cell rec'd setup above.
Good luck!