Kinda related, many have complained about the hunting management of LBL,
which is "federal" land.
Keep in mind much is "top-down" managed, based more on the politics of the federal government than the local boots on the ground.
For 12 of the past 16 years (period ending with the current Presidency), LBL has been under democratic control. Democratic presidencies tend to appoint anti-hunting, anti-gun people to head government agencies. Republican presidencies tend to do more the opposite, but it can take more than 4 years to undo the damage done in the prior 8.
The current democratic "powers that be" are waging an all-out war on, not just guns & the 2nd Amendment, but more subtly, on hunting (as well as free speech and the 1st Amendment).
Making lead shot illegal, makes hunting more expensive, but this expense is of little consequence if you're a wealthy democrat who likes to hunt. There actually are a few democrats who hunt and believe they personally have the right to their personal arsenals of guns ---- they just don't believe in your right to the same.