Anyone use 110 conibears to trap squirrels? Squirrel season is over next week. Thought I'd see if I could get a few more before the season ends.


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Sep 24, 2017
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Anyone use 110 conibears to trap squirrels? Squirrel season is over next week. Thought I'd see if I could get a few more before the season ends.

Got a few in February.

I need to do something about them getting into my tractor shed, they are a destructive and a nuisance. Tried a squirrelnator(sp) trap, and all it caught was a couple small possums. Considered kill traps, but never thought about using conibear traps.
How did you set your Squirrelinator? I set a small pile of wild bird seed in the middle with a small trail leading to the door and I trapped a bunch, only once more than one but I kept having to empty it out and must have removed 20 or so in a couple weeks.
How did you set your Squirrelinator? I set a small pile of wild bird seed in the middle with a small trail leading to the door and I trapped a bunch, only once more than one but I kept having to empty it out and must have removed 20 or so in a couple weeks.
I hadn't tried bird seed, will have to buy some and try that. Thank you. I had used pecans from the yard, old bread and peanut butter.
I need to do something about them getting into my tractor shed, they are a destructive and a nuisance. Tried a squirrelnator(sp) trap, and all it caught was a couple small possums. Considered kill traps, but never thought about using conibear traps.
They chewed the electrical wires in mine and the last survivors got impossible to shoot after I shot most of them. I had to climb 20 ft up a tree and drive a wooden peg in the den hole. I was going to have to go for poison or snares if that didn't work. They chewed the front step off my parents porch and we were able to shoot all of them.
They chewed the electrical wires in mine and the last survivors got impossible to shoot after I shot most of them. I had to climb 20 ft up a tree and drive a wooden peg in the den hole. I was going to have to go for poison or snares if that didn't work. They chewed the front step off my parents porch and we were able to shoot all of them.
Don't climb, just set out a snare pole, we used these in survival school, work great. We used claymore tripwire for the snares, and offset the loops, also not as many loops, just one every foot or two will work fine.

I was mostly trying to make sure I got a few more at the end of the season because the family and friends like Brunswick Stew (made with squirrels). There are a LOT of videos on YouTube about how to use 110s for squirrels and other small game. (Just search for 110s and squirrels on YouTube). I originally got interested because of Dave Canterbury's survival videos that point out that in a SHTF scenario trapping will quiet possibly regularly bring you more meat than hunting because trapping can work 24/7 and traps are reusable and don't require ammo.

AND - a squirrel got in my attic after chewing a hole through the house soffits under the roof edge and then chewed a hole into my bedroom ceiling, so I put a conibear 110 in the attic. That hasn't produced yet, maybe because I killed him in a trap outside the house, but it's good to know it's there.


Squirrel pole set:


Dave Canterbury

Other typical YouTube videos are like:

Successful Squirrel Trapping With 110 Conibear -

Survival SHTF Trapping Conibear 110 Three Squirrel Sets & Baits

I found that just mounting a trap on the side of a tree or on a tree limb propped up against the side of the tree in "squirrel pole snare" style gets them - eventually. But just setting one up in a pile of squirrel-cut hickory nuts and acorns does a bit better.
Don't climb, just set out a snare pole, we used these in survival school, work great. We used claymore tripwire for the snares, and offset the loops, also not as many loops, just one every foot or two will work fine.

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I've used snares on a pole but if the squirrel gets caught sideways it may take a while for it to die. Hopefully the neighbors are NOT watching! And conibears are infinitely reusable while snares may be only useable once or twice.
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I often use an air rifle when the leaves are on the trees. But right now you can see so far through the woods that I wouldn't want to try it in my subdivision or the green belt around it - because it isn't very green!