Big 6 Point Behind The Barn...


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2005
Reaction score
Shelby County
How old is he?
Will he ever grow larger than a 6 Point?
Also, since he's missing his brow tines, is it coded in his genes to never grow brow tines?





He looks 2.5 to me, not real big in the body or neck yet, and my bet is he will grow more than 6 pts next year but you never can tell for sure. If he made it to 4.5 years old and was a massive 6 I'd think that was better than a big 8 or 10, but that's just me. I wouldn't be surprised if he was a bit 8 or 10 in a couple years, with small brow tines maybe. I'd kill him this year, knowing myself, but he looks like he will be a real good one in a couple years. Just my 2 cents, mostly speculation.
Tough angle but I'm saying 2.5, personally I'd let him go at least one more year and see what he did but do what makes you happy
My guess is he will never have browtines. I've seen some absolute hosses over the past few years...4 pointers and 6 pointers that didn't and would never have browtines. Some areas are more prone to bucks with this genetic disposition and all the food and nutrition in the world wouldn't "sprout" browtines on them.
looks to me like all that deer has to do to grow a set of browtines is turn his head a little. Look closely at the third picture just to the left of the right ear. Now look at the second pic to the right of the same ear.. sure looks like browtines to me anyways.
Wow! I can definitely see what you're talking about in the third picture. I'm going to look through the camera again for better angles.