Big buck tonight- bad shot

He probably already knows this, but if he could leave one of his (worn that day of the day before) shirts out there, close to where she's gone missing, she will likely pick up the scent from it and sometimes will be there with the item of clothing the following day.
Still no luck today. Please let anyone you know who hunts at priest.

Just saw on Tennessee Bloodtrwiling Network that Bella was found. I didn't see the details now. Finally a happy ending.
Wow your connections are quick! Yes she's found. She was laying in the middle of a bean field we walked through on the way to the first tracking location. I think she had a rough night! Ties a nice bow on the whole experience though. Grateful for all the prayers. This pic cracks me up too.

Hope he learned his lesson and never takes her out without a tracking collar again.

A coworker, his son and sons friend went to Maine partridge hunting. The sons friend lost a dog that was found weeks later by loggers nearly dead. All because he refused to buy a tracking collar.
I rescued a cat out a tree that was in the woods behind my house. It had the biggest set of claws I'd ever seen on a domestic cat. I had leather gloves on but was afraid to grab it. I ended up forcing it into a fish net while up on a ladder but couldn't hold the net straight out once he was in it. The net swung down and he fell out down below my feet onto the ground (pretty short drop at that point).

Now that I think about it, it may have been a cougar.🤔
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I'd try to keep from contaminating the track. Cause you walking all over it spreads the scent everywhere. If you're dependent on the dog only makes the wait longer but raises the dog's success rate by staying out.
I'd try to keep from contaminating the track. Cause you walking all over it spreads the scent everywhere. If you're dependent on the dog only makes the wait longer but raises the dog's success rate by staying out.
Yea that's exactly what the tracker told me as well. And I decided to stay out of there for the most part till the dog got there. I'll save ya the trouble of reading through 10 pages of this thread…. Deer was recovered!