Big names in turkey hunting circles?

Boll Weevil

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2011
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The Ben Lee thread got me thinking…anyone ever meet any of the big names in turkey hunting? I met Ray Eye maybe 40 years ago and recall he was just a real down-to-earth fella. Someone in the audience asked how do you handle a hung up bird that's in range but just over a little rise.

He replied, "Stand up and shoot him."
The Ben Lee thread got me thinking…anyone ever meet any of the big names in turkey hunting? I met Ray Eye maybe 40 years ago and recall he was just a real down-to-earth fella. Someone in the audience asked how do you handle a hung up bird that's in range but just over a little rise.

He replied, "Stand up and shoot him."
I did that
Rob Keck came by our booth with his grandson at the NWTF show this year and was very polite and made sure to tell everyone thank you for being there.

He may not the type of big name you were thinking about though.
Big names never meant much to me, they just had more money and more sponsors to throw at their shows, calls, etc.... than the average working man. I remember years ago the Primos crew had a show where they traveled all over the country for 8 weeks or so and managed to get a dozen or so kills. Myself, along with my son and a buddy of mine, hit 5 states in 8 days and we killed 17. Easterns, rios and merriams. TN, KY, MI, KS and NE. Dont ever meet your idols folks, you will be disappointed.
Yeah, Ive worked the shows as a prostaffer, rubbed elbows with the "big names" in the business, and if they had to kill a bird on their own without a private club or guide, well............
Big names never meant much to me, they just had more money and more sponsors to throw at their shows, calls, etc.... than the average working man. I remember years ago the Primos crew had a show where they traveled all over the country for 8 weeks or so and managed to get a dozen or so kills. Myself, along with my son and a buddy of mine, hit 5 states in 8 days and we killed 17. Easterns, rios and merriams. TN, KY, MI, KS and NE. Dont ever meet your idols folks, you will be disappointed.
Yeah, Ive worked the shows as a prostaffer, rubbed elbows with the "big names" in the business, and if they had to kill a bird on their own without a private club or guide, well............
Do you ever throw your arm out of socket patting yourself on the back?

The big names I know got their start as humble, God loving men. Even after their success, they were humble, God loving men. They were also awesome woodsmen that could kill a gobbler anywhere they went.

I agree with your take on some of the celebrity hunters, especially some of the younger ones. But, you are way off on some of the old timers.
Back in the early 90's Buck and Bass in Memphis used to bring in pros and do seminars. I remember going to a few as a kid. Roy Rhodes, Eddie Salter, etc.... Most people wont know who these guys are now days.
My dad talked to will primos at buck and bass at one of those seminars. I can still remember where everything was in that place. Loved that store. I was probably 10 years old at that seminar and shy as could be. I remember being scared to death they were gonna call my name for the drawing lol
Do you ever throw your arm out of socket patting yourself on the back?

The big names I know got their start as humble, God loving men. Even after their success, they were humble, God loving men. They were also awesome woodsmen that could kill a gobbler anywhere they went.

I agree with your take on some of the celebrity hunters, especially some of the younger ones. But, you are way off on some of the old timers.
NEVERMIND. Keep being a fluffer if it suits you. I think its time I logged out and dont log back in.
NEVERMIND. Keep being a fluffer if it suits you. I think its time I logged out and dont log back in.
leaving now stick figure GIF
Back in the early 90's Buck and Bass in Memphis used to bring in pros and do seminars. I remember going to a few as a kid. Roy Rhodes, Eddie Salter, etc.... Most people wont know who these guys are now days.
I remember those. Went to a few. Met knight/hale there, some down to earth guys.
My dad talked to will primos at buck and bass at one of those seminars. I can still remember where everything was in that place. Loved that store. I was probably 10 years old at that seminar and shy as could be. I remember being scared to death they were gonna call my name for the drawing lol

Will Primos is a stand up guy.
I have bumped into Catman twice now in the turkey woods. Does that count? 😂

I have talked to a few celebrities mostly at NWTF and Will Primos, Tom Kelly and Mark Drury were my favorite. Both great guys.

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