Big rack,big mystery

Dang snake at least that turned my frown upside down. Now I can see y'all like to have for fun. Now back to the pic. Any chance the pic is photoshopped and he's actually holding up 2 bull puds for dinner ? Come on it's a joke !!! I really have no idea.
The picture has nothing to do with what AV was doing , it just happened he quoted a post on a reply I had on that post .
But I just can't figure out how anyone
would want to be referred to as a SNAKE! :D

Surely there's a story behind choosing "Snake" as one's moniker? :)
There certainly is brother !!! I choose it but a former boss accused me of snaking in between him and another friend climbing a tree and shooting a big nine point !! So thus " Snake " . The story is though I told them that I had been seeing a good buck use a draw come out into a field to feed from another stand just too far away for a shot . My friend plus our boss at the time was going over a day earlier than me the next weekend so I told them they needed to put a stand on the fence line so the could hunt that draw . Well they thought drinking was more important than the advice I gave them so upon pulling up after driving three hours that next morning I started to unload my four wheeler. My friend was coming towards me in his Rhino pulled up and said he would take me to my stand instead of unloading my four wheeler. He asked where I was going , I asked did you put a stand near that draw ? Nope he said so I said I've got my climber so take me to that draw . He said that our boss was about three to four hundred yards in a stand at the end of that field , I said SO ?? You can take me or I'll unload my four wheeler .He took me to the draw I climbed a big walnut I had scoped out and killed the big nine that morning . Thing is my boss got busted by a doe the buck was locked up with so if he hadn't got busted he would have had a chance at the buck first because I chose to let him pass because of not a clear shot . But once he came back by I stopped him @ about 175 and dropped him . After seeing the buck my boss said you just snaked in between us didn't you , I said alls fair in love , war and deer hunting I told you all to put a stand up but drinking was on your mind .🤣 maybe next time you'll listen .
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This is the deer killed around Friendship. I talked to local warden and was told it was legit and was killed in Crockett Co. It supposed to have green scored 214 ?? It appears to be the same buck. I have not physically seen it but confirmed it with the warden.
That picture is odd too. Do these people not know how to take a good picture??!!🧐
Either way both deer are the dream of a lifetime kind of bucks.
Well done, i tip my hat.